
Breaking up With the Enemy’s Lies

Breaking Up With The Enemy's Lies

Reading Time: 4 minutesHi friend! 🌻 The enemy has been scheming for years to bury our identity and purpose under layers of lies and condemnation. But we can choose to abide in God’s light and truth, and then declare and “practice the truth” ourselves (1 John 1:5-7), so He can begin to unravel ALL the damage the enemy has done.  I think today …

"From Guilt to Grace" by Dawn Ward.
The Blog

From Guilt to Grace – Book Review and Giveaway

Reading Time: 4 minutesFrom Guilt to Grace: Hope and Healing for Christian Moms of Addicted Children Hello Friend! 🌻Have you been trying to cope with the painful reality of your adult child’s addiction or self-destructive behaviors? Do you have a friend or loved one going through this who could benefit from good, godly guidance to help them navigate through the pain? Are you …

a woman with arms up in a field with chains

Praise Precedes the Victory

Reading Time: 4 minutes“I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies.” Ps 18:3 KJV Hello friend! 🌻 Praising God is easy when we see the victory we’ve been praying for, wouldn’t you agree? But what about praising God BEFORE the victory? You know, those times we feel like we can’t hang …

"Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings" Book Review and Giveaway
Book Reviews

Draw Near by Hadassah Treu Book Review and Giveaway

Reading Time: 5 minutes“Draw Near: How Painful Experiences Become the Birthplace of Blessings“ By Author Hadassah Treu, Book Review and Giveaway “Can something so painful, even tragic, actually be God’s way of blessing?” Hello Friend!🌻I’m so blessed to share this new book that impacted me this year and to give you the opportunity to win a copy for yourself, along with a few …

The Power of God's Word

The Power of God’s Word

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. Isaiah 40:8 ESV The Power of God’s Word Hello Friend …🌻 All Scripture is inspired by the Spirit of God. His Word is living and active (Heb 4:12) and we are born again through the imperishable seed of His living Word. (1 Pet 1:23)    The …

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