Mother's Day
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We have a sweet gift package that we would like to bless one of our readers with! You don’t have to be a Mom to participate … please read on!

Please let us know, in the comments below, why you love being a Mom! Or you can let us know why you love your Mom, or Step Mom, or Adopted Mom!! Mother’s Day is about ALL Moms right?

One random winner will be selected on Mother’s Day, May 13, 2018, to receive the following Gift:

1. New Light Green Zondervan NIV Bible to stay filled up on the Word! (Doesn’t the cover just whisper ‘Spring’ to you?)

2. “You Are Worth More Than Rubies.” Proverbs 31:10. Journal to express your soul!

3. Donna Karan Cashmere Mist 0.34 Oz Full Size Roller Ball/Roll On ($30.00 Value from Ulta)

We will throw in the following just to Sweeten the Pot even more …

4. A Copy of the newest Proverbs 31 Ministries “First 5” APP Experience Guide “Return to Refuge”

5. A $10.00 E-Gift Card to the Store/Restaurant of your choice.


1. One Winner’s Name will randomly drawn and posted here on Sunday May 13, 2018.

2. Must be 18 years or older to participate.

3. Must reside in the United States.

Bless you all and Happy Mother’s Day!

Mother’s Day Giveaway @

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  1. My Mother had 7 girls and 1 boy,3 of her children was cared by a family member, as i was cared for by my Father’s Parents, i did’nt know much about my mother and only seen her once a year and sometimes not even then? But I knew she loved me, she said it in my present, and she gave me bigg! tight huggs! before she would leave, i was about 8 years old when i begin to understand that my father’s mother was not my mother but my grandmother,and that was confuseing for me, and i promised myself i would one day be “The best Mother” and a “Better mother”, and i did just that with the help of God, my Grandmother, my father’s sibleing’s and my other sibleing’s by another mother, even my own five children tells me now i was the best mother. and i agree. im 64 years old now praise God and i’m still there Mother, and i was the babysitter for four of my grandchildren on a regular base, and off and on with three other grandchildren.I may not be the winner of the Mother’s Day prize, but in my 64 years with four boys and one daughter we whole Heartedly agree that i’m yet the Best mother. and my grandchilren agree’s im also the bestest of grandmother’s. God get the glory!

    1. Good morning! And amen, God does get ALL the glory!! 🙌🙌🙌 Thank you for sharing your heart, you are blessed and your children and grandchildren are blessed to have you in their lives, too … 🩷🩷🩷

  2. Thank you to all the sweet ladies who participated! We have drawn a name this evening and it is Laura Ketchie!! Yay Laura!! Let us know where you would like a gift certificate to and we will get that for you!! Congratulations sweet lady!! 🌹

    Happy Mother’s Day to everyone!! Praying blessings over you all!! 😘😘😘

    1. How great!!! Thank you so much!!! I feel so honored. Sending you my info….

      1. You are so welcome Laura! It was mailed out this morning! I will send tracking info to you in the morning! ❤

  3. I love being a mom and grandmom because it has not only stretched me in good ways, it has also been rewarding. It has not always been easy, and as kids become adults they still need me in many ways. The love we share is far above any disagreements we have. And I agree with my mom, who is now with Jesus, that “Being a mother is the hardest job I’ve ever done, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.” Blessings to you! I’m your neighbor at #SundayThoughts.

    1. So true!! I wouldn’t trade it for anything either!! ❤ Happy Mother’s Day to you Gayl!!

  4. My mom is my best friend, and now my sweet sister-in-Christ too! She volunteers tirelessly at the free thrift store, and is a real encouragement and source of inspiration! Each day we email each other to share what we learned from our devotionals that day. She recently turned 80, but if anything, she is even more devoted to giving of her time and talents. I thank the dear Lord for my mom!

    1. Oh wow! What an amazing testimony!! I have been praying (and still praying) for years for my mom to receive Christ and your testimony encourages my heart! That is so wonderful!! You both have a beautiful relationship blessed by Jesus!! Blessings sweet friend … ❤

    2. Your testimony brought joy to my heart. My mom is my sister-in-Christ as well; it’s a beautiful gift! God bless you both.💗

  5. The best thing i like of being a mom is to wake up every morning to see my two adorable kids and their gorgeous little faces. They are my complete world. I wouldn’t change them for anything.

    1. This is so beautiful! Thank you for responding Perla! You are a blessed Mama! ❤

    2. How sweet! I can feel your love for your children, Perla. God bless you and have a wonderful Mother’s Day!💗

  6. Ooooh!! This is such a beautiful and generous giveaway! What a treat for any mom who wins it!

    Gosh, there’s so much I love about being a mom. SO much. I would probably say the BEST part is watching them become their own person. My kids are 12 and nearing 15, so these years are so incredibly profound in their growing identity! It is my fervent prayer that Christ is at the center of it, always.

    1. I love your heart Christine! That is my best part too is watching my girls continue to grow into who God made them to be!! Happy Mother’s Day to you sweet friend! ❤

    2. I loved watching my children become their own persons too and how uniquely different they were. (and still are😊) It amazed me daily and caused so much growth in my own life. Four different little personalities running around the house; I loved it and couldn’t have imagined it any other way. Thank you for reminding me. Happy Mother’s Day.💗

  7. This is my first year having my daughter from China home with us for Mother’s Day. We were matched with her at the beginning of May last year and finalized the adoption in August. Between her and my biological son, I feel like I have seen more of God than anything else could have taught me. I experienced the miracle of life as I felt and watched my son grow. And I have been blessed to see what it is like to be chosen, love, and adopted into a loving family with my daughter. To know how much I love my kids and how much more the Father loves me is the best part of being a mom.

    1. Jessica, I love that about adoption! It truly shines the heart of God and how much He loved us and chose us! I love your story!! You are a blessed Mama! ❤

    2. Wow! What a beautiful story! It brought so much sunshine into my morning and the idea God loves me more than I love my children is still phenomenal to me. Thank you for sharing.💗

  8. I love being a mom because through mothering, I see and understand more everyday God’s heart for us, His children. My desire for them is to have a heart for the Lord and to grow in wisdom, strength, humility and boldness using their God given talents for His Kingdom and His Glory. I want them to learn of God’s intimate love for them and for His grace to never be treated lightly. They can’t always see my heart’s intention for them as I correct, discipline, encourage, coach and teach them, but I know one day, they will. Being a mother has helped me understand and appreciate God’s great patience, as I from time to time become convicted for my lack of patience. God has used motherhood to teach me of His great love for us, to see it more from His perspective.

    1. I love this, Christina! God uses things we go through to teach us of His great love and faithfulness to us and being Mothers is the greatest example of this. From my loving my girls, I understand a little more how much God loves me. I mean I don’t think I can ever completely fathom His love for me, but its definitely helped me to want to pursue and know Him more! ❤

    2. The scripture that came to mind as I was reading your response is Isaiah 66:13, “As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” God has just in this past week brought my full attention to the truth of this verse and I’m still in awe of it. Thank you for sharing your words of wisdom today. 💗

  9. I love being a mom because it’s such an honor that God would trust me with these two little ones. Being a mom has unlocked the love of God for me in new ways. I love being a mom because I love my sweet babes.

    1. My Daughters have taught me to love beyond myself also! Thank you for your sweet response this morning Courtney!! Happy Mother’s Day to you! ❤

    2. I felt that way too when I was raising my children; God trusting me with four of His little creations always astonished me. Happy Mother’s Day, Courtney.💗

  10. I love being a mom because it feels like the most important purpose of my life. I always loved children and acted like a little mama hen to all the kids younger than me when I was a child! I desired to be a mom more than anything in life but it did come as a surprise to me to have one with severe special needs. Yet, parenting him has brought me much closer to God and made my husband and I better. And I LOVE that after years of thinking we would never have another baby of our own after him, we do! He is such a great joy and we are being blessed to see him do things our older son never did at his age. Being a mom is hard but the best gift of all.

    1. Love this Jenny! You and your family are so blessed! Happy Mother’s Day to you!! 😘

    2. Being a mom to my children when they were young was the most important purpose in my life too. They were used by God many times to open my eyes to truths God wanted me to see. I love how much you love your children!💗Happy Mother’s Day!

  11. Why do I love being a mom? Two reasons. Growing in Christ alongside of the people I have learned to love in ways I never thought possible. And having the opportunity every day to sacrifice my desires for someone. It’s a beautiful gift!!

    1. Love this Netta! It is truly a sweet gift! Thank you for joining us this morning! ❤

    2. I agree. I feel like God gave me a little accountability partner – and having my daughter introduced me to love others at a whole new level. <3

    3. I love this! It’s so true; we do learn to love in ways we never thought possible. 💗

  12. I wasn’t sure I would be able to be a mom. I had to overcome trauma to be pregnant and stay pregnant. It’s been a difficult journey, but the Lord has been with me and teaching me along the way. Every day I stay in a constant state of surprise as I watch this tiny human grow. I’m thankful I get to be a part of it!

    1. Laura, your story really inspires me!! So beautiful! ❤

    2. Awww Laura. That’s wonderful!

    3. They are absolutely amazing to watch. My heart rejoices with you, Laura. 💗

  13. I adore being a mother to my three daughters. Growing up I always hoped I would end up with all girls. Each one of them saved me in some way or another. My oldest daughter is ten and she inspires me to have a great faith in the lord. My middle child inspires me to live each day to the fullest because she’s witty with an amazing personality. My youngest daughter inspires me to love like no other. She has the most carring heart at only 2 years old. Daily they show me something or say something I needed to hear. They are beyond my lives greatest blessing. I am so thankful god picked me to be their mom!

    1. I love how you let God speak to your heart through your beautiful Daughters! Love this! Thank you Markie! ❤

    2. I love how you are learning something from each little girl. I love having a daughter! Happy Mother’s Day!

    3. More proof of how wonderful God is. He put you and your three daughters together knowing you would help each other grow. Love this so much!💗

  14. My dream as a little girl was to have a little boy and name him Joshua. Because Joshua was such a strong man of God. At 26, God gave me my wish, however he was a premie and at two days, we were told he would die. God and I had a talk. I told Him if he gave me my son, I would raise him to be a great man for Him. My boy lived! Healed! He is now 26, 6’6″ and he loves God. I am an awesome mom because Jesus gave me the greatest blessing..a son who is a warrior for Christ. 😇😇😇😇😇

    1. Oh such an awesome testimony Tammy!! God is so good! ❤

    2. Wow Tammy! You made me cry. What a beautiful story. I love what you said about being an awesome mom. 💗

    3. Wow, Tammy! That’s a wonderful testimony of God’s answer to prayer!

  15. I am a mom of one daughter whom I love with all my heart.. I love being a mom and seeing her grow as a child and now into a wonderful adult and now a mom herself.. of 3 children.. She now is a awesome single mom.. as I watch her I pray she keeps God in her heart always and grows in her faith.. as a mom of faith and love of God I thank Him daily for giving me the opportunity to raise a child for Him..

    1. Love this and love you Ms Vickie! ❤

    2. Beautifully said, Vickie. Love you!💗

    3. She is a wonderful mom and I think she learned a lot of that from you! <3

  16. I love seeing my child grow and learn. He also teaches me so much! The hug, kisses, and “I love yous!” are the best! I love that someone is looking to me to help them and guide them all along the way.

    1. So sweet! Love this Beverly! ❤

    2. So true Beverly! The hugs, kisses and I love yous are the best. And the wonderful silly things they say. 💗

    3. Isn’t it amazing how much we learn from our kids? He sounds like a terrific boy!

  17. I loved watching my children grow up into their unique personalities and characters. And now I love them as the wonderful adults they have become.

    1. Me too Stephanie! My girls have grown into awesome young ladies! ❤

    2. I did too Stephanie. It always amazed me how wonderfully unique He made each one of them. Now I have the fun of watching my grandchildren and I love it! 💗

    3. I have parents who still celebrate me and I’m so thankful for them.

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Donna loves God's Word and is passionate to see women fall in love with Jesus. She and hubby live on the Emerald Coast where she loves serving with the Intercessory Prayer Team at their home church and volunteering with the Bible Study Companion Team at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies. She likes spending time with friends & family, hiking, painting, swimming and taking long walks on the beach at sunrise. "She is blessed who believed the Lord will keep His promises to her." Luke 1:45 ❤

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