Overcoming the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and Other Domestic Abusers: The Comprehensive Handbook to Recognize, Remove, and Recover from Abuse.
About 1 in 3 women and 1 in 4 men have been or are affected by domestic violence. Resources are desperately needed and I’m so honored to do this book review for Charlene Quint, the author of this brand new book coming out on October 13, 2020. It is our hope to get this extensive and comprehensive handbook into the hands of those who need it or may know someone who is a victim of domestic abuse.
When I received an invite to do a review for this new book, we had just experienced a tragedy in our Church. A beautiful Sister in Christ had just been murdered by her boyfriend the week prior. I knew it was God’s timing for me to receive this invite in light of what happened to my friend. And I know if Vickie had survived, she would definitely want to help keep another lady from ever experiencing what she endured.
We don’t always think abuse is happening in our Christian culture, but it is!
And we cannot close our eyes and hearts to what is happening around us. Victims are usually hesitant to share for fear of punishment or making their situation worse. And I know some Christian women may falsely believe they need to tolerate abuse because the Bible tells them to submit to their husbands.
BUT never in the Lord’s heart did He intend for women to submit to ANY kind of abuse. Ephesians 5:25 instructs: “Husbands, LOVE your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her.”
LOVE always builds up … it NEVER tears down.
I also know from being raised by a narcissistic father that people on the receiving end of abusive behavior can develop a deep root of shame at the very core of who they are. AND they may carry a false sense of responsibility and guilt over what is happening to them.
It can also be hard to help a friend who is stuck in an abusive relationship to get out of a bad situation if he/she is not ready to leave.
I know that from experience because some years back, I tried like heck to help a friend (and her children) leave an abusive situation at home. She kept telling me she desperately needed my friendship and I would listen and cry with her but I couldn’t just stop there. I began seeking help for her but nobody would help me. They kept telling me that she had to be the one to call and ask for help for herself. It was SO hard to hear her defend and make excuses for her abusive husband and then the next minute desperately cry out for help. I needed her to rise up and decide for herself she was worth so much more but I never got to see that happen.
Overcoming the Narcissist and other Domestic Abusers | Book Review and Giveaway
My hope is if we can get this book into the hands of just one person today, it would help her/him to navigate through what they are experiencing. It would help them to see they are not alone and have no need to feel ashamed or guilty for another person’s hateful behavior. The narcissist and other domestic abusers are skilled at making the victim feel like they deserve the abuse and are responsible for the treatment they receive. But nothing is farther from the truth.
This book is JAM PACKED with so much practical help and information, I was blown away at the very start. I love sharing the table of contents in my book reviews so the reader can get a glimpse of what the book contains within its covers. Take a minute to skim over the contents and you will see the incredible amount of content Charlene has compiled in this handbook.
“Overcoming the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and Other Domestic Abusers:
The Comprehensive Handbook to Recognize, Remove, and Recover from Abuse.”
Part I. Recognizing the Narcissist/Sociopath/Psychopath/Domestic Abuser
Chapter 1. Myths and Realities of Abuse
Chapter 2. The Relationship between Domestic Abusers, Narcissists, Sociopaths, and Psychopaths
Chapter 3. The Three Phases of a Romantic Abusive Relationship
Chapter 4. The Cycle of Abuse within a Relationship
Chapter 5. The World according to the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and Other Abusers
Chapter 6. Emotionally Healthy Relationships
Chapter 7. Emotional and Verbal Abuse
Chapter 8. Physical Abuse
Chapter 9. Financial Abuse
Chapter 10. Sexual Abuse
Chapter 11. Spiritual Abuse
Chapter 12. Other Annoying Attitudes and Behaviors of Abusers
Chapter 13. The Other Woman (and There’s Always Another Woman)
Chapter 14. Confronting the Abuser and Conflict Resolution
Chapter 15. Counseling and Marriage Books
Chapter 16. Why Do They Do What They Do?
Part II. Removing the Narcissist/Sociopath/Psychopath/Domestic Abuser from Your Life
Chapter 17. Why Does She Stay?
Chapter 18. Realize that He Will Not Change and She Is Not the Problem
Chapter 19. What to Expect from the Abuser if She Stays in the Relationship
Chapter 20. What to Expect from the Abuser if She Leaves the Relationship
Chapter 21. What to Expect from Family, Friends when She Leaves
Chapter 22. What to Expect from Children of the Abuser when She Leaves
Chapter 23. Dealing with Parental Alienation and the Inevitable Harm to Children
Chapter 24. Co-Parenting with an Abuser
Chapter 25. Have a Safety Plan
Continue Part II …
Chapter 26. Have a Financial Plan
Chapter 27. Have a Legal Plan
Chapter 28. Have a Communication Plan
Chapter 29. Have a Spiritual and Emotional Support Plan
Chapter 30. The Spiritual Battle
Chapter 31. Redemption and The Spiritual Journey of the Exodus: From Bondage through the Desert, To the Promised Land
Chapter 32. The Armor of God You Will Need for the Fight
Chapter 33. The Only Opinion That Matters Is God’s
Chapter 34. What Does the Bible Really Say about Divorce from an Abuser?
Chapter 35. Biblical Best Practices for the Church: How to Support the Victim and Hold the Abuser Accountable
Chapter 36. The Most Common Mistakes that Churches and Pastors Make
Part III. Recovering from the Narcissist/Sociopath/Psychopath/Domestic Abuser
Chapter 37. The Target of a Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath or Other Domestic Abuser
Chapter 38. Effects of Abuse on Women
Chapter 39. Effects of Abuse on Children
Chapter 40. A New Perspective
Chapter 41. Lies about God and the Truth That We Are His Beloved
Chapter 42. Lies That Get a Woman into Abuse and the Truth about Relationships
Chapter 43. Lies that Keep a Woman in Abuse and the Truth That Sets Her Free
Chapter 44. Lies That Inhibit Healing and the Truth That Heals
Chapter 45. Practical Steps Toward Healing
Chapter 46. Healing Our Children
Chapter 47. New Relationships
Chapter 48. God Our Father, Rescuer, Redeemer, Deliverer, Warrior, Restorer, Healer, and Avenger
Chapter 49. Becoming the Woman God Designed You to Be
What’s Your Story?

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Charlene has graciously offered a copy of her book: “Overcoming the Narcissist and Other Domestic Abusers: The Comprehensive Handbook to Recognize, Remove, and Recover from Abuse” for us to give away here at Fresh Grace.
We are honored to have this opportunity to make this happen for one of our readers and hopefully he/she will be on their way to better understanding the dynamics they are caught up in and begin to seek help.
To enter this giveaway for a chance to win a copy for yourself or your friend, comment below with your thoughts and your name will be put into a hat. You don’t have to share any details you are not comfortable sharing.
One reader’s name will be randomly drawn on Monday Oct 26, 2020 to receive a copy of this 560 page handbook. Winner must reside Stateside please.
UPDATE ::: There has been a delay in receiving the book from the Publisher. So I am extending the giveaway period to end on Monday, November 16. Thank you for your grace … ❤
“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears
in Your bottle. You have recorded each one in Your book.”
Psalm 56:8
So many blessings are being prayed over YOU … ❤
Overcoming the Narcissist and Other Domestic Abusers | Book Review and Giveaway @ freshgracefortoday.com
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Please CLICK HERE and we will be honored to pray with you.
Photo Credit: Canva
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It is sad the evil in the hearts of men who abuse God’s word and attempt to justify their contempt and abuse of women. It is sad that sometimes the church encourages women to stay and be harmed.
God clearly commands the husband to love, going so far as to say love the wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. I wonder if ungodly husbands study what crucifixion involves?
Spiritual abusers and misogynists attempt to hijack the gospel and make it into what they want it to be, which is a license for them to abuse and mistreat others, in particular women and others under their leadership. It is truly cruel, cowardly, and satanic.
It is a perverted, false representation of real leadership and of Jesus Christ. The examples Jesus Christ set are completely opposite of satanic abuse and oppression.
Rachel Mayew, you are the winner of a personally signed (by the author) copy of this book. Congratulations. I will reach out to you today for your address … ❤
Where can we enter.
My daughter needs this. Too close to death right now.
Hello Cherri, thank you for reaching out! I am so sorry to hear about your Daughter. 😭 We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
I just received my copy of the book to review. Like you, u was awes by the extensive content and resources to help women in domestic abuse situations. Thank you for sharing this review. I am passing it onto my group of women with addicted children. Many who are in relationships with addicted partners are subject to abuse. I pray this will help them get the freedom they so desperately need.
Dawn, you will be blown away by the extent of content in this book! Thank you so much for passing this on to your group of women. I am praying with you sweet friend.
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Sounds like a great resource for a much needed topic. A lot of unpacking and learning healthy habits.
Mamie, thank you so much. Yes for sure … I know for myself, I had lots of unpacking to do with God’s help. He brings such amazing freedom from abusers.
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Wow what an important book. It will certainly be helpful to many who find themselves in a difficult situation!
Thank you so much M.J.! I appreciate you …
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
This book sounds so powerful and timely. During this time of Covid quarantine, the rate of domestic abuse is skyrocketing because people are spending more time at home and have fewer chances to report abuse. My prayer is that this book reaches someone that truly needs it.
Thank you so much Erin! I am praying with you, too … ❤
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
This book looks jam packed full of useful information!! Thanks so much for sharing!
You are so welcome Kari! ❤
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
I’m so sorry for your loss, Donna. I can’t imagine how hard that must still be today. Thanks for sharing this resource and the table of contents. Love how empowering it looks to be and the scripture references. As you pointed out, often those being abused feel an obligation to stay. It’s good to see the freedom this book aims to provide!
Thank you so much Rachel! I am praying for all who are hurting to stumble upon this book.
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
I pray that those who need this book see your article. I never saw the “church” as a place to receive help with this issue. I hope and pray that is changing.
Thank you so much Teresa …
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
This sounds like an incredibly helpful book, I know the church often lets down married women who are being abused by telling them marriage is forever.
Thank you so much Betty. It is very packed and powerful!
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
What an important and wonderful book. As a pastor, I have counseled many women and I see the destruction in some Christian messaging to abused women – “You must stay and submit to your husband,” “Marriage is forever,” and so on. I know this book will help so many. So glad you did a review of it and love that you included the table of contents in the review. How helpful!
Thank you so much Pam, I appreciate you so much!
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Bless you, Donna. This is such an important article. I hope it reaches the women who really need it. God bless your ministry!
Thank you Evangeline for praying with me! You are a blessing!
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Hi, Donna! This is such a beautiful post! And this book will definitely help a lot of people who are being abused. I love the part that we must be willing to let go of what does not serve us, and be the warrior God intends us to be! God bless you and thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you so much Sheryl!
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
What an important topic to discuss. I have had several friends involved in abusive relationships. This type of resource will be so helpful if I find myself in another situation with a friend. Thanks for sharing!
You are so very welcome Mary!! Thank you for always being so encouraging!
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Praying that book helps a lot of women. ❤
Thank you Rebecca! You are always so sweet and I covet your prayers sweet sister!
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Thanks, Donna. I hope someone who can use it gets a copy. And I do pray for pin friends and fellow bloggers, good things from the Lord. 😇
Me too, thank you so much, Rebecca! Hugs to you … 😘
Before I met my sweet husband I was in an abusive relationship. This book would have been a fabulous resource, as those relationships are so hard to get out of. Thank you so much for sharing!
Amy I am thankful God lead you to your sweet hubby and away from the abuser. Bless you sweet sister!
UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Sounds like a powerful book – especially for the Christian/godly perspective!
Sharon, YES it sure is! ❤ UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Such a needed book for so many people!! I too, have people in my life that are in situations in which they feel imprisoned. I also chat with woman, often, on the crisis chat line that are in these very hard and toxic situations. I prayed right now that this book will be used in a mighty way to help others!
Thank you SO much for your prayers, sweet April! I really appreciate them and have been praying God will get this book into the hands of the exact woman He has in mind. UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
This is such an important topic, Donna. Thank you for sharing.
You are so very welcome, thank you for stopping by! UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
What an indepth review. I understand because l was once here but so glad takes our stories and molds them into His. My heart does go out to the woman who is still in this place especially with lockdowns and social isolation. Thanks for reaching out and l pray many women will find restoration and hope from your review 💌
Ava thank you so much! I am very thankful God pulled you out of a dangerous relationship! You’re so right, He will take our stories and mold them into His story! ❤ UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Thank you for sharing this information. It is so needed. I pray many find it so it can change their lives.
Thank you Yvonne! I agree, it is SO needed. I am praying too … ❤ UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Wow! I have several friends dealing with this and will definitely pass this along!
Thank you Aimee! I appreciate you … ❤ UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
Wow! From the table of contents I see that this book covers it all! Such a great resource for anyone who is suffering now or cares about someone who is! Thank you for sharing this book! May it be the help someone needs in order to prevent what happened to our sister in Christ you mentioned! Blessings! 💗
Thank you so much Teresa. This book is jammed packed with helpful guidance. I was amazed how extensive it was. ❤ UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤
This sounds like an amazing resource…One I could have used years ago, but can think of a couple others in particular who would really benefit from it.
Thank you Lindsey! I know what you mean, I feel the same way too! ❤ UPDATE ::: We are still waiting to receive the book (to give away) from the publisher so I have updated the post to reflect that I have extended the giveaway period to run through November 16th. ❤