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Do the Thing – Gospel Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl
By Rebecca George (Esther Press, April 2023) Book includes access to 6 Video Sessions.

This post includes: My Book review, a sponsored book giveaway and Q & A with the Author.


Do you feel the Lord calling you to a particular area of ministry? Do you have a gift or talent that God is calling you to develop or fan into flames? Or perhaps a project or a creative idea has been stirring in your heart for a while but fear and perhaps a lack of clarity for the next step is causing you to put off pursuing that one thing?

Within the pages of her brand new, Gospel centered book, Rebecca George offers Biblical Truth, personal testimony, a practical guide, an encouraging manifesto and a godly way to view our calling rather than through the worldly lens of success and achievement.

Rebecca reminds us that taking the next step, even when we don’t know exactly where we’re going to end up, is what faith is all about. In her sweet and conversational way, the author guides us in combatting several road blocks that may deter many of us. These include but are not limited to: perfectionism, comparison and fear of failure.

Believing the lie that I was worthless and would never amount to anything in life, I adopted the “I will never have anything of value to offer to anyone” mindset when I was very young and the fear of failure became my number one obstacle to overcome in life. But I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that God was calling me to serve in women’s ministry. He deposited a burning passion in my heart to see women fall deeply in love with Jesus and be set free from the lies and bondage of the enemy.

As Rebecca reminded me in this lovely book: my part is to be obedient and I can leave ALL the results to God. He would never call us to ministry work and then let us fall flat on our faces. Instead, He invites us to come alongside Him and partner with Him as He Himself advances His Kingdom forward through us, all in His grace, His timing and always for His glory.

With thought provoking reflections and practical steps to help you to move forward into your God given calling, this book will both motivate and edify you in your calling. Rebecca blends storytelling with Biblical insight to encourage us to pursue and fan into flames the passion stirring in our souls.

This book helps us to:

  • See our gifts and talents from God’s perspective.
  • Prioritize goals, move forward with gumption and grace.
  • Maximize our passions in the work we do every single day.
  • Actively partner with God to serve Him and love others.
  • Overcome negative thought patterns.
  • Brainstorm, develop, and create with confidence.

Here is the table of contents to give you a little sneak peak at the content behind the beautiful cover …


Foreword by Michelle Myers (pg 13)
Chapter 1: Heaven on Our Hearts (Pg 23)
Chapter 2: The Freedom of a Blank Canvas (Pg 43)
Chapter 3: Spirit-Led Stick-to-itiveness (Pg 63)
Chapter 4: Own the Ordinary (Pg 79)
Chapter 5: The Genesis of Striving (Pg 93)
Chapter 6: The Invitation to a Finished Work (Pg 109)
Chapter 7: Illuminate the Talent Around You (Pg 125)
Chapter 8: The Tension of Time (Pg 141)
Chapter 9: Interupt the Overwhelm (Pg 159)
Chapter 10: Silence the Critic (Pg 177)
Chapter 11: Lay Down the Measuring Stick (Pg 197)
Chapter 12: Fall in Love with Your Lane (Pg 213)
Here’s What I Hope – Page 229
Acknowledgments – Page 231
Notes – Page 233


Question: Why did you write Do the Thing?

Rebecca:When I think about the last decade or so of conversations I have had with women and the themes that consistently come up, the topic of our “calling” is very common. I often see women struggle in the areas of insecurity, doubt, comparison and more. There are also moments along the way that can be tricky – when God calls us to something new, when we endure through a hard season, and/or when God prompts us to lay something down in order to create capacity for a new “thing” He has for us to do. I felt compelled to share my own journey and struggles in these areas and lead women toward the truth only found in God’s word that will help us walk through these moments with more confidence and clarity.”

Question: How did you know this is the message you were supposed to share with the world?

Rebecca:It was a common theme I would often see come up in conversations, within small groups I led, and with friends. As I began to explore writing a book, it felt like a natural place to start to continue encouraging women to have a gospel-centered perspective on their calling.”

Question: Who would benefit from reading this book? Could it be done as a study – group or individual? Does it matter what denomination I am?

Rebecca:Any woman who desperately desires to see her work and her calling from a gospel-centered perspective and wants to be faithful in the hard moments that we all bump up against. The way it’s packaged makes it really easy to do as an individual or a group. There is an accompanying 6-session interactive video series that would be great encouragement along the way if you’re doing it alone (or a great way to kick off your sessions in a book club or small group setting).”

Question: What is a glory goal and how do I know it is not just a cute little side hobby?

Rebecca:A glory goal is my way of defining this “thing” we are searching for and hoping to be faithful in as we explore the content of the book. It’s the way that your gifts and talents can be used in this season to build the Kingdom and advance the gospel. Sometimes this might feel mundane (or even really big and scary), but it’s a way to define your calling a little differently. I love that you ask this about “cute little side hobbies”. I think often, especially as women, it’s easy to make light of an assignment in our calling. Maybe we fear failure or just don’t want to intimidate others. Possibly it’s insecurity. However, no assignment given to us by God is “little” in His eyes. So we shouldn’t treat it as such either!”

Question: Gumption is not a word used often. What does it mean, and how did you come about incorporating gumption into the subtitle?

Rebecca:In Miriam Webster’s terms, the word means spirited initiative and resourcefulness. This sounds a lot like what I hope marks how I use my gifts and talents to the glory of God. I think as fellow go-getter girls, He’s equipped us with this holy gumption/resourcefulness that I want to make sure I’m using with all I’ve got for His glory. It was also really important to me to balance this gumption with grace. That can be hard for an achiever, but I hope can learn to hold and lean on both in our calling.”

Question: How can I access more content? Are there videos? Where are they?

Rebecca:You can order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and ChristianBook. There is a 6-session accompanying video series that is FREE with your purchase of the book via a QR code in the introduction. They are strategically placed after every 2 chapters in the book to give you some encouragement along the way.”

Question: If there is one thing a reader takes away from the book, what do you hope it is?

Rebecca:I hope she walks away believing and knowing the character of God more deeply and, as a result, who He has made her to be. An outpouring of that truth will help us more rightly see the work He’s given us to do.”

GIVEAWAY TIME: The Blythe Daniel Agency has generously offered to bless one of our readers with a copy of Rebecca’s brand new book. All you need to do is comment below with your thoughts on this book I have reviewed and your name will be in the drawing. One reader will be randomly selected on Friday, May 5, 2023 and will be contacted via the email address they used to comment.

GIVEAWAY UPDATE: Congratulations Michele Kelsey! We will reach out via email to get your mailing address so we can get this wonderful book in the mail to you! 🎉🎉🎉

Live fully LOVED, my friend … 💙



Do the Thing – Gospel Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl | Book Review and Giveaway @ freshgracefortoday

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Photo Credits: Rebecca George

Rebecca George is an author, speaker, and the host of the popular podcast Radical Radiance. Rebecca is on mission to leave people better than when she found them and knowing Jesus more fully. Her greatest joy is helping women pursue their passions in a way that builds God’s Kingdom. In her free time, she loves running or trying a new recipe with Garth Brooks. You can connect with Rebecca on her Instagram and at Radical Radiance!


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  1. Would love to win!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, Michele! We will be drawing a name here in the next hour … 🙏💕

  2. Sounds like exactly what I need! Thank you Donna for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting, Susan! We are getting ready to draw a name here in the next hour … 🙏💕

  3. Ohhhhhh, this looks so good!!! Thank you for sharing this book today! I look forward to getting a copy and soaking it all in!

    1. You are so very welcome friend! I really dug into this one, SO good! And have learned a few new strategies to keep from becoming paralyzed when I think of everything I need to do moving forward. 😘💕🥰❤️

  4. I love the alliteration on the subtitle!! This looks like such a great book – especially for those times when we feel called to something new-for-us! I will definitely have to check this one out. Thanks for your great review, Donna!

    1. Thank you so much Jennifer! This is a very encouraging book, I share her excitement in flowing in God’s will for our lives … 🙏💕

  5. Love your book review. Such a wonderful book.

    1. Thank you Deborah! It is a wonderful book! I saw your beautiful review on Amazon. Praying for this giveaway copy to find its way into the hands of the woman on God’s heart to receive this book! Hugs friend … 🙏💕

  6. God is so amazing. My word of the year is “glory.” Therefore “glory goal” spoke to me. It is so important to show up in obedience to Father God and then leave the outcome to Him. Thank you for sharing the detailed information on this extraordinary resource.

    1. Oh how cool that your word for this year is “glory” and it does resonate with Rebecca’s ‘glory goal’. Thank you for sharing this, love it so much!! I am learning to take the pressure off of my performance and just focusing on obedience with God and leaving ALL the results to Him and His very capable hands. 🙏💕🎉

  7. I just love Rebecca George! This looks like another great resource! Cannot wait to check it out more!

    1. Oh girl, it is SO good. Very edifying and encouraging! Love Rebecca’s style of writing, she writes the way a friend would to us! I love Suzie Eller’s style of writing and Rebecca writes in the same way, very personable … 💕💕💕

  8. This sounds like a wonderful resource! I absolutely see the need for something like this, and am sure it will help many people. Thanks for the review!

    1. You are so very welcome Lindsey! I am grateful for this opportunity to get a copy of this valuable resource into someone’s hands this friday! Blessings sweet sister … 🙏🥰😘💕

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Donna loves God's Word and is passionate to see women fall in love with Jesus. She and hubby live on the Emerald Coast where she loves serving with the Intercessory Prayer Team at their home church and volunteering with the Bible Study Companion Team at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies. She likes spending time with friends & family, hiking, painting, swimming and taking long walks on the beach at sunrise. "She is blessed who believed the Lord will keep His promises to her." Luke 1:45 ❤

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