Showing: 12 - 22 of 24 RESULTS
The Growing Season: A Year of Down on the Farm Devotions | Book Review and fun Giveaways
Book Reviews

The Growing Season: A Year of Down on the Farm Devotions | Book Review and Giveaway

Reading Time: 13 minutesThe Growing Season: A Year of Down-on-the-Farm Devotions Book Review and Giveaway Wisdom from the Earth’s Soil to Your Soul: Hello friend! Today, I would like to begin this book review by saying I absolutely love this author, Sarah Philpott, and this has been one of my most favorite books to give away on our Fresh Grace Blog! This book …

Praying Scriptures to Push Back the spiritual darkness in our Nation

Praying Scriptures to Push Back the Darkness in our Nation

Reading Time: 8 minutesThe Word gave life to everything that was created, and His life brought light to everyone. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it. John 1:4-5 NLT (Read Full Chapter) Praying Scriptures to Push Back the Spiritual Darkness in our Nation There has been so much division in our Country. As Christians, we should not be …


A Spiritual Spring Cleaning

Reading Time: 6 minutesA Spiritual Spring Cleaning … “Let us examine and probe our ways, And let us return to the LORD.” Lamentations 3:40 ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub) Spring arrives each year with its sunshine and fresh air and we feel inspired to deeply clean the mess and the clutter in our homes. When we throw open our windows this Spring and begin …

Finding Gratitude in the Hard Times

Finding Gratitude in the Hard Times

Reading Time: 6 minutesThe Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5 (Verse on Bible Hub) FINDING GRATITUDE IN THE HARD TIMES I love thanking God for His blessings in good times but I’ve struggled in finding gratitude in the hard times. I asked God a few months ago why that was and He showed me the things …

When I Deny Jesus, Woman, Beach, Hat

When I Deny Jesus

Reading Time: 6 minutesFOR TO ME, TO LIVE IS CHRIST AND TO DIE IS GAIN. PHILIPPIANS 1:21 ❤ Verse on Biblehub WHEN I DENY JESUS Some years back, Keith Wheeler was a guest speaker at our church. He is the man who, since 1985, has carried a 12 foot wooden cross through 175 countries on all 7 continents. Keith shared some stories from his …

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