Made for Eden - Book Review and Giveaway
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Made for Eden – Promises and Provisions for the Life God Created You to Live … 

Made for Eden - Book Review and GiveawayEver since Adam and Eve fell in the Garden, mankind began a long history of choosing sin over the inheritance God promised.

But, because of His great love for us, God provided the way for us to be restored to Him. He sent His Son, Jesus, to do what we could never do for ourselves …

Christ died on the cross to pay for our sins so we could be reconciled to the Father.

When we repent and receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior, His Spirit comes to live inside us and we are born again. We become new creations and can experience the same intimacy with God that Adam and Eve enjoyed in the garden before their fall. We have incredible purpose that God pre-determined for us and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we can live a vibrant, hope filled life here on earth and not just in the next life.

This book, Made for Eden, richly shares the Gospel message! It makes for a great study because it contains built-in questions throughout every chapter rather than just at the end for you to think about and discuss in a group setting if you desire.

For those who believe God created us, the questions “why was I made?” or “why am I here?” naturally arises. We want to believe our presence here on Earth is due to more than just chance. These question may come in adolescence when we wished we were taller, smarter or more popular. But definitely as we journey through life, we all search for our calling and purpose.

Ultimately, the purpose we were made for can only be established by the One who made us. But how well are we doing in the purpose in which our loving Creator says we should succeed?

From the earliest pages of the Bible, God had a great purpose in creating mankind. “Let us make mankind in our image, according to our likeness.” We were created as a reflection of the Divine. First and foremost, God created us to enjoy an intimate, loving relationship with Him. And He gave us a responsibility: to rule over creation! We were created to steward what belongs to God. We were made for Eden.

The author explores our identities as God’s child and helps us realize that many of us have overlooked the truth that we were made for Eden. Along with exploring the identities of being God’s child, ambassador, and saint, the book also:

  1. Reminds readers of the glorious purpose God has for mankind.
  2. Reveals the implications of Jesus’s sacrifice for us.
  3. Defines the crucified life Jesus produces in and for his disciples.
  4. Displays Jesus as the gateway to restoring us to our created purpose.

Made for Eden is a journey that tells the story of God’s infinite love for His highest creation, beginning in Genesis in the Garden of Eden, and ending in Revelation with a garden on the new earth.

By the way, did you know that the tree of life that was in the garden also exists in Heaven? Revelation Chapter 22  (in the NIV version) is titled Eden Restored. But as born again Believers, we don’t have to wait until Heaven to live the life Jesus came to give us. Many believe we have to endure this life to someday have a good life. But Jesus came for us to have an abundant life now and in the life to come. We were created for Eden and we can know it more fully now than we ever thought possible.

I like to include the table of contents in my book reviews to give you a peek inside the front cover:

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1 — The Case for Eden
Chapter 2 — Stewards of Eden: What Creation Says About our Purpose
Chapter 3 — Separation from Eden: Why We Don’t Realize Eden Is Still Ours
Chapter 4 — The Return to Eden Through Becoming New Creations
Chapter 5 — The Life Jesus Led: Eden as the Inheritance Of Sons
Chapter 6 — Eden Fulfilled: Christ in Us
Chapter 7 — Eden’s Promise: Why the Good News is Good
Chapter 8 — Eden Reflected: Freedom and Sonship
Chapter 9 — Eden’s Victory: Ambassadors of a New Life
Chapter 10 – Skeptics of Eden: The Question of Suffering and Evil
Chapter 11 – Eden Restored


Gateway Publishing has generously offered to bless one of our readers with a copy of Bryan’s beautiful new book, Made for Eden: Promises and Provisions for the Life God Created You to Live.

To enter this drawing: please comment below with your favorite Scripture, the one that is breathing life into you in this season you are in. We will randomly draw the winner’s name on Thursday February 17, 2022. And we will reach out to the winner via the email address they used to comment. Winner must reside stateside, please. Thank you so much for participating!

Hugs and Prayers,



Made for Eden – Promises and Provisions for the Life God Created You to Live

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Please CLICK HERE and I will be honored to pray with you.

Photo Credits: Bryan McIntosh, Canva Pro

Made for Eden - Book Review and GiveawayBryan McIntosh is a 1992 graduate of Duke University with a BA in public policy and political science. He received a master of divinity from Columbia International University and a PhD from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, with concentrations in New Testament language, literature, and theology.


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  1. This sounds beautiful. I am a sucker for a good book. My verse I’m holding on to right now is John 17:17, “Sanctify them by the truth, Your word is truth.”

    1. Thank you for stopping by Arrica! Your name has been added to the hat and we will draw a name in a few minutes! ❤️

  2. This book sounds wonderful!

    Genesis is one of my favorite books. I love that God’s redemptive plan began unfolding even from the first chapters. Today, I was encouraged by Isaiah 40:31, “…but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

    Thanks for sharing about “Made for Eden”. I’m always looking for new books to add to my stack!


    1. Tammy, I love Isaiah 40:31 and need Him to renew my strength today! Thank you for reminding me of this powerful Scripture! Your name has been added to the hat today!! Blessings to you … ❤️

  3. Sounds like an interesting book, Donna. “Ask, and it will be given to you; [b]seek, and you will find; [c]knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” ~Matthew 7:7-8 NASB

    1. I love your chosen Bible Verse!! God is so good! Your name has been added to the drawing today!! xx Donna ❤️

  4. This looks like such a great book! I might be biased though hahaha because I noticed the author is a fellow Dukie (my alma mater) but also because it looks to be such a good analysis of our relationship to Eden and the restorative hope that is ours in our Messiah! Today, I was reading Psalm 92, and I love verses 2 and 3 – “It is good to praise ADONAI and to make music to your Name, Elyon, to declare Your love in the morning and Your faithfulness at night.” How wonderful it is to spend time with the LORD, and be reminded of His presence, morning, noon, and night! Shalom!!

    1. Lol Jennifer, love this! And I LOVE the Names of God!! Thank you for sharing these beautiful verses today! You are in the drawing … 💕

  5. What a great review, friend! This book sounds like some inspiring soul food! As for me, this morning God led me to Isaiah 62:5, in which he says that as the bridegroom rejoices in his bride, he rejoices in us! I soaked in this one for a long time! What an amazing truth!

    1. Hey Stacey, I’m so glad you stopped by! This book is really good and I’m glad you are participating in this drawing! Your Scripture verse reminds me of Zep 3:17, I am always in awe of how God rejoices over us!!! Thank you for reminding me of how much He enjoys being in relationship with us … ❤️

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Donna loves God's Word and is passionate to see women fall in love with Jesus. She and hubby live on the Emerald Coast where she loves serving with the Intercessory Prayer Team at their home church and volunteering with the Bible Study Companion Team at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies. She likes spending time with friends & family, hiking, painting, swimming and taking long walks on the beach at sunrise. "She is blessed who believed the Lord will keep His promises to her." Luke 1:45 ❤

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