Reading Time: 9 minutesCommit to the LORD whatever you do, and He will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3 ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub) What is your Guiding Word for 2020? Happy New Year everyone! Are you excited for the year ahead? For some of us, we may be feeling a little weariness wash over our souls when we think of picking ourselves back up …
A girl needs GRIT and GRACE to run this race of faith well.
GRIT … is (1) fighting the good fight of faith and refusing to give up. (2) Hanging on to hope in the midst of discouragement or paralyzing pain. (3) Being brave to push aside all the lies, entanglements, and distractions that seek to derail or imprison her. (4) Hanging onto childlike faith despite the negativity in this world. (5) Having courage to forgive unconditionally so she doesn’t get stuck. And (6) possessing a bulldog tenacity to run her own race well and not live to please everyone else. Every. Single. Day.
Then there is GRACE. She needs lots of God’s Grace to ENABLE her grit, amen? “Flowing in God’s Grace” requires her to receive it, live it and freely give it away. Dancing with Jesus and letting Him lead. Being more than ok in her weakness so Jesus can be made strong in her life. In Jesus, she will discover her true identity, purpose and the strength to live her story the way He dreamed it to be for her.
When I Deny Jesus
Reading Time: 6 minutesFOR TO ME, TO LIVE IS CHRIST AND TO DIE IS GAIN. PHILIPPIANS 1:21 ❤ Verse on Biblehub WHEN I DENY JESUS Some years back, Keith Wheeler was a guest speaker at our church. He is the man who, since 1985, has carried a 12 foot wooden cross through 175 countries on all 7 continents. Keith shared some stories from his …
Fight the Good Fight of Faith
Reading Time: 6 minutesFIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH. TAKE HOLD OF THE ETERNAL LIFE TO WHICH YOU WERE CALLED WHEN YOU MADE YOUR GOOD CONFESSION IN THE PRESENCE OF MANY WITNESSES. 1 Timothy 6:12 ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub) The Apostle Paul tells us in Galatians 5:1: “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let …
Put on the Whole Armor of God | Part Two
Reading Time: 6 minutesPUT ON THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD, THAT YOU MAY BE ABLE TO STAND AGAINST THE SCHEMES OF THE DEVIL. EPHESIANS 6:11 ESV ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub) EPHESIANS 6 My friend, if we want to survive and thrive despite the enemy’s attacks, we must determine to develop our spiritual grit. The enemy of our soul is very intentional in his …
This is Real Love
Reading Time: 11 minutes“LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.” LUKE 10:27 NIV ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub) THIS IS REAL LOVE Jesus commands us in Luke 10:27 to love the Lord, our God, with every corner of our hearts, souls, …
Happy New Year | Encouraging Bible Verses
Reading Time: 6 minutes ENCOURAGING BIBLE VERSES HAPPY 2019! ❤ GOOD MORNING, MY FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE SISTER IN CHRIST … we have some encouraging Bible Verses for you to begin your new year with. Can I take this moment to pray some encouragement over you as we prepare to begin 2019? At the end of this post, you will find all Scripture …
Jesus is More than Enough
Reading Time: 6 minutesAND THIS SAME GOD WHO TAKES CARE OF ME WILL SUPPLY ALL YOUR NEEDS FROM HIS GLORIOUS RICHES, WHICH HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO US IN CHRIST JESUS. Philippians 4:19 NLT ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub) JESUS IS MORE THAN ENOUGH Jesus gives us this invitation in Matthew 11:28: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will …
Hidden with Christ
Reading Time: 5 minutesSET YOUR MINDS ON THINGS ABOVE, NOT ON EARTHLY THINGS. FOR YOU DIED, AND YOUR LIFE IS NOW HIDDEN WITH CHRIST IN GOD. Colossians 3:2-3 NIV ❤ (Passage on Bible Gateway) HIDDEN WITH CHRIST Dear friend, I wish we could sit across from each other and have a heart to heart. I would ask you if you knew just how much …
Embracing His Grace
Reading Time: 7 minutesMay God give you more and more grace and peace as you grow in your knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord. 2 Peter 1:2 NLT ❤ (Passage on Bible Gateway) EMBRACING HIS GRACE While at work one morning, I found myself with free time when a patient didn’t show for his appointment. So I wandered up to the reception desk …
Jesus | Prayer for Salvation
Reading Time: 3 minutesOUR INVITATION FOR YOU TO RECEIVE JESUS. ❤ HELLO FRIEND! Welcome to our “Fresh Grace” Blog! We are so delighted you are here! Today, we would love to ask you the most important question of your life: Do you know where you will spend eternity? We believe this is such an important question. If you don’t already have a relationship with …
Tune my Heart to Sing Thy Grace
Reading Time: 4 minutesTUNE MY HEART TO SING THY GRACE What is your favorite Hymn? Mine is Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. I don’t hear it very often. But when I do, I love to sing along … whether in Church, on the radio in my car, where-ever. And each time without fail, I get this huge lump in my throat when …