Tested and Approved | Book Review and Giveaway
Reading Time: 5 minutes

If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels,
but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong
or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy
and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and
if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not
have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to
the poor and give over my body to hardship that I
may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.
1 Corinthians 13:1–3 NIV (Read Full Chapter)

Tested and Approved | Book Review and Giveaway

Tested and Approved | Book Review and Giveaway

Pastor Tom Lane’s newest book, “Tested and Approved,” is a must read for anyone who serves in ministry. No matter what area of Christian Ministry you currently serve in, we all have one thing in common. We all serve a God Who is in the ‘People Business.”

In our callings, we should make our relationships a priority because that is exactly what God does. The Lord put His relationship with us at the forefront when He chose to redeem us. He did this by sending His only Son to die for us so our broken relationship with Him could be repaired. When God reveals our callings to us, He never forces ministry on us. He offers us a ministry because of our restored relationship with Him.

In addition, we are mistaken if we think God wants us to strive for a ‘successful ministry’ at the expense of our children and our marriages. We have to adjust our thinking and belief system if we believe running hard after our ‘calling’ means putting it over the health of our relationships.

I like this quote from the book:

“Results without relationships are just noisy, busy activity that really amounts to nothing. Generosity and sacrifice, not motivated by and connected to relationships, may make you feel good or even make you a lot of money in the present, but in the end, they amount to nothing.”

I love this version of 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 from The Message Bible:

  • Love never gives up.
    And Love cares more for others than for self.
    Love doesn’t want what it doesn’t have.
    Love doesn’t strut,
    Doesn’t have a swelled head,
    Doesn’t force itself on others,Tested and Approved | Book Review and Giveaway
    Isn’t always “me first,”
    Doesn’t fly off the handle,
    Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others,
    Doesn’t revel when others grovel,
    Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
    Puts up with anything,
    Trusts God always,
    Always looks for the best,
    Never looks back,
    But keeps going to the end …
    1 Corinthians 13:4–7 MSG (Read Full Chapter)

Anyone in Ministry will greatly benefit from the wisdom and experience of the author.

Ministry comes with many rewards and challenges, but you don’t have to walk the road by yourself. In Tested and Approved, the author shares 21 lessons he has learned in more than 30 years of ministry.

Topics include:

• Effective Ministry principles
• Healthy spiritual disciplines
• Relationships and communication
• Truth, honor, and integrity
• Understanding God’s place in everything
• Responsibility, accountability, and excellence
• Finishing strong in work and in life

The 21 lessons from this book shaped the author’s messages before they turned into an incredible new hardback book. There is also an additional “Tested and Approved Mentor Playbook” (Bible Study) available on Amazon if that interests you. One of the editors of the project said, (quote) “The book is a heart check. The mentor playbook is heart surgery.” Another editor mentioned, “The playbook punches you in the throat, and then Tom hugs you back to life!”

I like to share the table of contents when I do book reviews to give the reader a glimpse into what they will find behind the cover.


Tested and Approved | Book Review and Giveaway


LESSON ONE – Ministry and life are not fair.
LESSON TWO – Ministry is about people before it is about results.
LESSON THREE – We will be known by the fruit we produce.
LESSON FOUR – Success is a process.
LESSON FIVE – Accountability is a good thing.
LESSON SIX – Every generation has the responsibility to build wealth.
LESSON SEVEN – Take responsibility for your mistakes.
LESSON EIGHT – Respect and honor the past.
LESSON NINE – Excellence is a reflection of effort and attitude.
LESSON TEN – Live your life in a godly rhythm.
LESSON ELEVEN – Seek out and embrace what is true.
LESSON TWELVE – Be nice to people who are different.
LESSON THIRTEEN – You are either an influence or you’re being influenced.
LESSON FOURTEEN – Make spiritual hygiene as impostant as physical hygiene.
LESSON FIFTEEN – Life is lived in seasons, so learn to recognize and celebrate their coming and going.
LESSON SIXTEEN – Don’t take up an offense, especially one that is not your own.
LESSON SEVENTEEN – Respect and appreciate the platform you have been given.
LESSON EIGHTEEN – Love is courageous, yet it does not enable.
LESSON NINETEEN – Be gracious in transistion and remember God is in charge.
LESSON TWENTY – Watch your six at all times!
LESSON TWENTY ONE – Finish strong and don’t coast to the finish line.
Your best days in ministry are ahead of you, my friend.

Gateway Publishing has graciously provided us with two copies of Pastor Lane’s new book to give away here on our blog. All you need to do to enter the drawing is comment below with who this book will be a gift for … a friend, family member or for yourself? ❤ Two names will be randomly drawn on Monday, February 22nd. Winners will receive an email notification sent to the address they used to comment with. Please note, we will only be able to deliver to a Stateside address. 

Living Loved …

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations,
baptizing them in the name of the Father
and the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19 NIV (Read Full Chapter)

Tested and Approved | Book Review and Giveaway @ freshgracefortoday.com

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Photo Credits: Gateway Publishing

About Tom Lane (shared from his book)

Tested and Approved | Book Review and Giveaway

TOM LANE is the apostolic senior pastor of Gateway Church in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. In addition, he oversees the Outreach Ministries of Gateway Church, which include The Kings University, Gateway Global Ministry, Kingdom Business Leaders, and Gateway Church Network. Tom works with the executive teams in each of these ministry areas to execute the vision and values of the church.

Prior to this position, he served as Gateway Church’s executive senior pastor for 12 years and as the Dallas campus pastor for two years.Tom’s vocational ministry experience spans more than 37 years.

Before joining the staff at Gateway Church, he served at Trinity Fellowship Church in Amarillo, Texas. Tom has experience in a variety of church leadership roles, including business administrator, administrative pastor, executive pastor, and senior pastor. Tom’s extensive ministry expertise and engaging relational style bring a warmth to his speaking, writing, and pastoral ministry.

He is the author and co-author of several books, including Heritage, A Father’s Influence to the Generations, Foundations of Healthy Church Government, He Still Speaks, Strong Women and the Men Who Love Them, Conversations with God, and Letters from a Dad to a Graduate. Tom and his wife, Jan, have been married for over 40 years. They have four married children and 15 grandchildren.

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  1. I have been studying 1 Corinthians 13 recently, too, and been convicted that when we do any activity without love, it is worthless…

    1. Thank you Susan! When I just read your comment, my mind automatically replaced the word ‘love’ with ‘Jesus’ and wow!

      ” … convicted that when we do any activity without Jesus, it is worthless.” ❤

  2. I really felt convicted by this post. I often prioritise activities over relationships. I did realise this a while back, but when you highlighted this by showing how God put relationship with us at the forefront, it really hit home.

    1. I have to be careful, too, to prioritize what’s most important. Thank you so much for stopping by … ❤

  3. I can so relate to this book. I would love to read it as I have been doing ministry for a while. My family has been in ministry 40 years. It is not easy.

    1. No, it sure isn’t. Thank you so much, Julie … ❤

    2. Good evening Julie! Your name was drawn as one of the recipients of this new book! I will email you at the email address you commented with. Thank you so much for your support and I hope you enjoy the book! ❤

  4. Wow, this hit me really hard today:

    He never forces ministry on us. He offers us a ministry.

    Shew. And I also have been camped out in 1 Corinthians for the past few days! One of my favorites <3

    1. Mine too, Jordan! Thank you sweet sister … ❤

  5. Great idea to add the Table of Contents as it gives a real insight into the book!

    1. Thank you Sharon! It does help to see what’s behind the cover … ❤

  6. This sounds like a great book! If I were to win a copy, I confess it would be for me!

    1. That sounds wonderful, Grammye, and your name is now in the hat! Thank you so much for stopping by … ❤

    2. Hello! Your name was drawn as one of the winners of this book! I will email you at the email address you commented with. Thank you so much for your support and I hope you enjoy the book! ❤

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Donna loves God's Word and is passionate to see women fall in love with Jesus. She and hubby live on the Emerald Coast where she loves serving with the Intercessory Prayer Team at their home church and volunteering with the Bible Study Companion Team at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies. She likes spending time with friends & family, hiking, painting, swimming and taking long walks on the beach at sunrise. "She is blessed who believed the Lord will keep His promises to her." Luke 1:45 ❤

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