Donna loves God's Word and is passionate to see women fall in love with Jesus. She and hubby live on the Emerald Coast where she loves serving with the Intercessory Prayer Team at their home church and volunteering with the Bible Study Companion Team at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies. She likes spending time with friends & family, hiking, painting, swimming and taking long walks on the beach at sunrise. "She is blessed who believed the Lord will keep His promises to her." Luke 1:45 ❤

Showing: 67 - 77 of 91 RESULTS
When I Deny Jesus, Woman, Beach, Hat

When I Deny Jesus

FOR TO ME, TO LIVE IS CHRIST AND TO DIE IS GAIN. PHILIPPIANS 1:21 ❤ Verse on Biblehub WHEN I DENY JESUS Some years back, Keith Wheeler was a guest speaker at our church. He is the man who, since 1985, has carried a 12 foot wooden cross through 175 countries on all 7 continents. Keith shared some stories from his …

Book Reviews

Follow Jesus: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Navigating the Online World | Book Review

AND NOW THESE THREE REMAIN: FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE. BUT THE GREATEST OF THESE IS LOVE. 1 CORINTHIANS 13:13 ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub) Follow Jesus: A Christian Teen’s Guide to Navigating the Online World | Book Review and Giveaway Christian parents, ministry leaders, educators, counselors and anyone else working with our teens, THIS is the resource for you. “Most teens …


This is Real Love

“LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL AND WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND; AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.” LUKE 10:27 NIV ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub) THIS IS REAL LOVE Jesus commands us in Luke 10:27 to love the Lord, our God, with every corner of our hearts, souls, …

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