Do you feel the stress of having to be both ‘mom and dad’ to your children? What does the Bible say about God being a Father to the fatherless?

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the
teaching of kindness is on her tongue.
Proverbs 31:26 NASB ❤ (Verse on Biblegateway)

I can see it as if it were just yesterday.

It had been a long hard day and one of the busiest, too.

With everything finally winding down, I stood watching my children as they slept peacefully on their beds and a wave of sadness and guilt slowly crept into my heart. If only I would have taken more time to listen.

If only I would have had more patience. How I wished I would have had the teaching of kindness on my tongue.

We experienced days like this too often; at least that was how I felt.

My four children were young when their dad passed away. For a time, I tried taking on the role of father as well as mother. That didn’t work too well. Actually, I think it made it worse.

Psalm 68 holds a profound promise for the fatherless …

Even now as I look back, I know God never intended me to be a father. By trying to be one, without realizing it, I took His place in my children’s lives.

He was and still is their Father.  Psalm 68:5 promises: “A Father to the fatherless and a Defender of widows, is God in His holy habitation.” (Verse on Biblehub)

I love this!! God covers everything, doesn’t He?

Therefore, for all mothers around the world; single ones, happily married ones, not so happily married ones, mothers of successful children, mothers of children who have addictions and your heart wonders if you can take it anymore … we here at Fresh Grace want to remind you that it was God Himself who chose you to be their mother.

Regardless whether you feel successful or not, He is in this with you. He will never let go.

“The Lord bless you, and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; Lord lift up His countenance to you, and give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26 (Passage on Bible Gateway)

Therefore, never ever give up …

To the mothers who haven’t seen their child or children for quite some time due to addictions or bitterness, please don’t give up. I know the pain is real and severe but I believe they love you, and haven’t truly forgot what you’ve done for them. They still need you and your prayers.

And you are not a bad mother! The enemy lies to us.

However: Like we comfort our children, God will comfort us.

As one whom his mother comforts, I will comfort you; And you will be comforted in Jerusalem.” Isaiah 66:13 (Verse on Bible Hub)

Comfort is a sense of physical or psychological ease, often characterized by a lack of hardship. It means the ease of grief or distress of; console. Some synonyms for comfort are: give sympathy to, sympathize with, support, uplift and encourage.

As mothers, we can be too hard on ourselves as we desire to be perfect or at least close to perfect. In the last few years, as I apologized to my adult children about areas I felt sad about while raising them, each one told me they had no regrets about how they were raised.

“Her children rise up and bless her” Proverbs 31:28 NASB (Verse on Bible Gateway)

I am blessed …

What does the Bible say about God being a Father to the fatherless?

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  1. Thank you for this encouraging post! That must have been a scary and difficult time when your husband died. It’s wonderful to know the comfort of our savior stepping in to the Father role. My dad just isn’t interested in me or my family and that led to overcompensating with my son but God has blessed me with an awesome husband and he is a great father to our son. God has also sent other men into our lives that act like a grandfather to our son.

  2. The truth of God’s word never diminishes. God is indeed a father to the fatherless, a present help in time of trouble and we must allow him take the reins of our lives.

  3. I love the reminder that God had the needs of you and your children covered in love and grace, even when you saw only your limits. Such powerful encouragement for moms ! God is abundant in anything we lack!

  4. I love what you said about letting go of perfection – God does not expect us to be perfect! This was such a huge source of encouragement. Thank you!

  5. Thanks for sharing with us a little about what you went through as you raised your children alone. And you are so right about kids eventually seeing how well you loved and provided for them through the absence of their earthly father. What a treasure to know that they felt the love and care of their Heavenly Father, too. God’s purpose always prevails. I know that many women will be blessed by this post.

  6. I often feel so moved when I read God say of himself, that he takes the side of the weak and the oppressed, that he is the defender of the widows and orphans and the Father to the fatherless. He truly is the one who fills every void in our life!

  7. Such a heartfelt post! Thank you for sharing such wonderful wisdom and scripture.

    1. Thank you, Mary! ❤

  8. This is a great reminder of God’s truth. He is all encompassing. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Maryann! ❤

  9. I read this more than once and enjoyed it each time. We can be hard on ourselves as a mother. And usually our kids don’t have any regrets as you mentioned.

    1. That’s kind, Elizabeth, thank you!
      We judge ourselves too harshly too often. Even now the enemy will sometimes lie to me by making me question if I did anything right as a parent. The difference is I know it’s a lie. ❤

  10. Such a beautiful and encouraging read! God is good. He can fill the gaps. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing your heart!

    1. Thank you, Colleen! I’m extremely grateful God fills the gaps. ❤

  11. This was certainly the case in our household when my son was growing up. Even now, though, as a young adult, he still needs those father roles. God has certainly been that for him and has found mentors for him within the church too.

    1. Having mentors in the church is so important. I’m thankful your son has them. ❤

  12. Such an encouraging post! Thank you for sharing!

    1. It blesses me that you were encouraged, Sharla. ❤Thank you!!

  13. Susan, What beautiful words from the Word! I am saving your site to share with friends that need to hear your heart.

    1. Thank you, Debbie! I appreciate your kind words and sharing our site with friends. God bless you! ❤

  14. Thank you for this. This is refreshing to read, A Father to the Fatherless, that is our mighty God!

    1. Thank you, Rachael!
      I love how you spell your name. ❤

  15. I love how refreshing this post is–no condemnation for mothers who have straying children, reminding them that God chose each of us to be the mother of our children, and all we can do is our best before the Lord.

    1. Beautifully written, Susan. ❤
      Thank you!

  16. I am so glad God is a father to the fatherless. There are times my dad couldn’t be there, and He was and still is. Thank goodness!

    1. God’s faithfulness is priceless. ❤ Thank you, Julie!

  17. I think it is so beautiful reading the perspective of a mother here! It sometimes slips my mind that mothers also face perfectionism and wanting to be the absolute best and perfect!

    1. Thank you, Michelle! I appreciate you visiting our Blog. God bless you.❤

  18. What a wonderful and truth-filled post! I was blessed with a wonderful earthly father, but the reminder that my heavenly Father is always for me and always loving me is the anchor for my soul! What a blessing this reminder was to me today!

    1. Thank you, Stacey! I love to hear about others having wonderful earthly fathers. It always blesses my soul and I learn a lot as well.
      My favorite title for God is Abba Father. 💗

  19. I loved the Scripture you used in this post, especially the words of blessing from Numbers. This was such a unique spin on “being a father to the fatherless”!

    1. That scripture spoke volumes to my heart. Thank you so much, Kara! 💗

  20. A few weeks ago I found myself reading a lot about the topic, What does the bible say about God being a father to the fatherless? A few friends of mine can’t possibly conceive of a God who loves them because their fathers were terrible. This is so well written and I can’t wait to share!

    1. Thank you, Jessie! I too know people who struggle with God loving them because of their earthly fathers. I was one of them. But not anymore.❤ God’s love is unexplainable.
      Thank you for sharing the post. It’s greatly appreciated! ❤

  21. […] via What does the Bible say about God being a Father to the fatherless? — Fresh Grace for Today […]

    1. Eileen, thank you so much for sharing our post. We appreciate it very much … ❤❤❤

  22. I love this, Susan. I love how the Lord reveals Himself to us in such sweet, tender and personal ways. He has such a heart for us moms and definitely for the fatherless. Like you, I sure know how awesome it felt when He filled this gap for me, too, and love Him and His heart so much … ❤

    1. Thank you, Donna! God is the best father, isn’t He? ❤

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Susan resides in beautiful Big Sky Montana. An outdoorsy girl who loves to explore, she enjoys hiking and camping with her family in the gorgeous mountains of Glacier National Park! Susan is a very thoughtful and lovable Friend. Extremely compassionate, she is a very good listener and a hard worker. She loves good chocolate, reading, photography, writing, and enjoying long talks with God.

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