“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” Proverbs 31:25  

Hi friend! As Sisters in Christ, we need constant reassurance of our identity in Christ and our great worth in our Heavenly Father’s eyes, don’t we? I know I certainly do!

Even when we’ve been walking with Jesus for a while, certain triggers, particularly those of rejection, can still catch us off guard. I still find myself self protecting at times because I forget that the One Who fights for me will never reject me. Ever! I’m so thankful Jesus led me to begin writing because it opened up a completely new way to draw closer to Him, to contemplate and process so much of life and our worth in Him. 

In 2016, the Lord led my beautiful Christian friend and coworker Deb, to begin speaking over me that I would be writing for Him. Prior to this, I was an artist and never saw myself writing. But despite my protests, my sassy friend just kept speaking it over me. That summer, I found myself medically retired from my civil service job and the Lord had me give serious thought to Deb’s words. He then led me to launch Fresh Grace for Today in August 2017.  

During this time, God also used the words of a character from the tv show, This is Us, as a catalyst for me to come face to face with some serious pain from my past that I never dealt with. When Randall found himself speaking to his deceased adoptive father (Jack) in a vision, he desperately cried out: “I spent my life striving for perfection because I live in fear that if I let up for one moment, I will remember that I am unwanted. And then what will happen to me?”

Despite the truth that Randall had loving adoptive parents, he struggled to get past the facts of how his biological parents didn’t want to keep him. And Randall’s words … oh my gosh!!! His words, and the emotions behind them, were the trigger of all triggers!

I didn’t realize that I wrestled with this same disconnect. The truth is I am chosen, wanted and adopted by the King of the universe, whose abiding love is beyond anything I’ve ever known. But, like Randall, my identity was still trapped in the facts of deep rejection from my past.

Randall’s words and emotions set off a painful trigger within me, one used by God to begin the process of dismantling decades of rejection to bring deep healing for the impact it had on me. I needed courage to be more genuine when I write so others can find hope in Christ, too. But for this to happen, my fear of rejection and my people pleasing habits needed to come to an end.  

I’d already spent too many years burying the pain in hopes of reconciliation. 

Listen to this beautiful quote from Lysa TerKeurst: “Whether or not reconciliation happens, your redemption story is dependent on God alone.”

I have come a long way and I realize now that this process was very much needed if God is going to be able to use me to help others.

So my backstory is where I will begin here today …

Our Identity in Christ

Not knowing how to ask Jesus for help, I battled so much fear and anxiety for decades. I had the same, scary nightmare over and over, of being buried alive, screaming for help and banging my fists on the lid of the coffin above me but no one could see or hear me.

During the day, staying busy was my coping mechanism to keep from having too much time to sit with my thoughts where the enemy kept reminding me of my worthlessness. 

I struggled with anorexia, which began in my teens when I was made to step on the scale every morning. But no matter how many dinners I missed with family or whether I deprived myself of food for days at a time, it was never enough and my weight was never acceptable.  

There was always an unrelenting focus on my need to change my outward self or behavior before I could earn approval or even a visit, which never came. As far back as I can remember, I do not have one single memory where my inner thoughts and feelings were accepted and not rejected, whether I spoke them or wrote them in my private diary, which I found many times in a messy heap on my bedroom floor after someone angrily fired it against the wall.

I carried this intense shame about myself and the anorexia became a twisted way to feel like I had some sense of control in the midst of a life that felt out of control. I was more superficially concerned about the size of my jeans than discovering God’s love and purpose for me. For a long time, I didn’t know what to do with my feelings except to invalidate and swallow them.  

I had a very unhealthy fear of failing and disappointing people so I put a lot of pressure on myself to perform because I believed I had nothing else to offer. Even to God …

But then Jesus led me to surrender everything I thought I wasn’t and didn’t have to offer so I could begin to take hold of everything I am and do possess in Him. Even now, it’s been an ongoing process to fully grasp and know my true identity in Christ.

But I do know this … After I was saved, the nightmares of being buried alive never returned. One of the first Names of God that He revealed to me is found in the story of Hagar in Genesis 16:1-14. I discovered that He is El Roi, the God Who sees me. In God’s kindness, He wanted me to know immediately that He had seen and heard me the entire time and continues to now!

Then, God fixed my distorted view of Who He is and how He sees me …  

At one time, I struggled to accept God as my loving Heavenly Father because, in my experience, father figures made me feel really bad about myself. They denied all of their hateful words and behavior towards me and then laughed at the confusion and pain this caused. But after being disowned, God brought a Christian Counselor friend into my life who helped me to stop my self destructive way of processing this very toxic behavior. I discovered there is no shame in needing help and the dynamics I was caught up in for decades is called gaslighting. 

God’s love for us is unconditional and based on Who He is, a good Father, and not on what we do or don’t do. God cannot lie and never seeks to control or manipulate us. He can never be compared to any human being on earth. We are all imperfect but He alone is divinely perfect. 

God has taught me to recognize and respond to destructive behavior patterns instead of allowing them to escalate into extreme displays of disrespect towards my hubby and me, then flippantly denied later. Because by this point, I’m no longer responding, I’m reacting and I don’t like who I become in those moments. But with God’s help, I will never again allow myself to be narcissistic supply, where someone makes sport of ensnaring me in their web of altered reality and I begin to doubt their treatment of me, my self worth and my mental health.  

God led me to begin seeing myself through His filter of love, truth and acceptance rather than through my old filter of rejection. Today, He is leading me to share part of my story without the old familiar fear of punishment or rejection if I don’t remain silent. The enemy is spitting mad right now and only he could ever lead people to reject us for finally having courage to step out of the darkness and into God’s beautiful, healing light.

Our Identity in Christ

I pray my words will help somebody today …

People are created beings and their opinions, criticism and rejection do not define you!

Our Heavenly Father created us and He is the only One who has the right to define us. His gentle leadings and convictions will always bring us closer to healing, wholeness and restoration. 

I hope you will allow me to ask you this question today …

Has someone in this world broken your heart and left you feeling worthless in their eyes?

In childhood, did a parent pack their suitcase and walk out of your life? Or have you been striving so long to save your marriage, but your spouse walked out anyways, taking your dignity with them? Maybe a beloved friend, one you held a very tender spot for because you understood her fear of rejection, is now casually justifying her rejection of you to a mutual friend. Or perhaps, like me, you know your deep and abiding love for your own children and cannot begin to fathom how you could possibly be your earthly father’s real daughter? 

Can I just pause right now to say this is NOT the heart of our Heavenly Father for you …

We don’t need to wonder from day to day if God truly loves us. We don’t need to be afraid to approach Him, wondering if He’s going to explode in anger one day and then deny it the next. God’s love is unconditional. He does not offer us a worldly, conditional love based on our looks or our ability to meet unrealistic expectations. He says our great worth is found in the simple truth that He created us in His very own image and we exist to experience the mutual joy of being in a loving relationship with Him through Christ. 

We can grow to know who we are in Christ and His gentle voice is the only one we will ever need to listen to and follow. And when our heavenly Father gives a nod in our direction, that is all the approval we will ever need!  

In Christ …

    • We are blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Eph 1:3
    • We are chosen by our Heavenly Father. Eph 1:4-5
    • We are accepted by God and a recipient of His grace. Eph 1:6
    • We are completely redeemed and forgiven in Christ. Eph 1:7
    • We have a wonderful inheritance in Christ. Eph 1:11
    • We are sealed by the Holy Spirit who guarantees our inheritance! Eph 1:13-14
    • We have the Spirit of wisdom and revelation so we can know Christ better. Eph 1:15-18
    • The same power that raised Christ from the dead and seated Him at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms lives in us. Eph 1:19-21

In Christ, you are blessed, loved, accepted, forgiven, chosenand redeemed. You do not have to hustle for your worth ever again! Your Heavenly Father wants you to rest in His love and not strive for the acceptance that is already yours in Christ.

And if you have not yet given your heart to Christ, please hear His heart for you …

Even before God laid the foundations of this world, He predetermined to choose you, yes YOU, to be adopted as His son or daughter in Christ (Eph 1:4-5). That’s how much you are loved! There is nothing you could have ever done and no sin too great that can ever separate you from the love of your Creator. If God could take this girl here, who was not only severely messed up at one time but also the lowliest of sinners, and transform her into someone completely brand new … than He can do this for anyone! He loves YOU, my friend!

To grow in your knowledge of Who God is and who He says you are, begin to dig deep into His Word as if it were the most priceless treasure you could ever unearth in this world. Because it is! The Gospel of John is a good place to start because this is where the Lord led me to begin many years ago. Take notice of every time Jesus used the word Father when referring to God and when John referred to himself as the Disciple that Jesus loves. My friend, this is the heartbeat of our Heavenly Father for you, no matter where you are today.

And Proverbs 31:25 is a beautiful verse to memorize and store in your heart. In Christ, you are clothed with strength and dignity, never shame and condemnation. As the Son or Daughter of the most high God, you can relax and enjoy your life today without fear of what tomorrow holds. Because, as a born again Believer, your future is secure in the hands of your loving Creator.

God will NEVER reject YOU …

What is your story? Do you know your identity in Christ?

I pray the remaining pages of your story will be one of beauty for ashes and wholeness instead of brokenness. If you woke up this morning with His breath in your lungs, then God is not finished writing your story. And if you let Him, you will discover like I did the truth of Gen 50:20 when Joseph spoke these beautiful words to family members who deeply hurt him:

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (NIV).

This right here is sweet redemption, my friend! God will not only redeem us from the pit but, through our obedience, He can also redeem our story by using every part of it to bring others into the saving knowledge of Himself. This is right where God has me in this season. I pray God will bring loving and godly friends into your life who will always point you to Christ and remind you of your incredible worth in Him! 

Please contact Susan or myself if you need someone to pray with you! We hope you will come to fully understand and walk out your incredible worth and your identity in Christ.




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  1. Thank you so much for your transparency here! My heart breaks for your struggles, but I love where you are today and how God has shown you who you truly are! Much love, friend!

    1. Thank you so much Kristen! I am blessed to have godly friends like you who keep me focused on God, His love and grace for me, and thriving in His Kingdom work. Much love sweet friend …🙏😘💕

  2. Donna, your words have such a tremendous anointing for helping women overcome some very real struggles. I am so glad you listened to the prophetic word that you would write because you are doing some awesome ministry for the Kingdom of our LORD and it is very clear that He called you to do this. Always keep writing! You’re amazing!

    1. Oh gosh thank you SO much Jennifer! I have learned so much from you and your words and encouragement mean so much to me. God has broken some serious family curses off of me and I am so grateful that He can now use my story for His glory … 🙏😘💕

  3. Donna, Thank you for your willingness to be vulnerable and share your story. I loved hearing the transformation God brought to your life. I’m so sorry for the pain you endured and thrilled you are using it for God’s glory.

    Your words, “I still find myself self protecting at times because I forget that the One Who fights for me will never reject me.” resonated over me.” You put words to what I’m doing in a particular relationship. Thank you!

    1. Aweee Love this Maree Dee. Thank youso much for your kind words, praying over you and the relationship you mentioned right now, bless you sweet sister … 🙏😘💕

  4. Donna, your story resonates with me on many levels. Hagar’s story is one of my favorites because He is El Roi. He does see us.

    Thank you for sharing with such vulnerability.

    1. Tammy, thank you for your kind words and for sharing this on Instagram. This post was one of my breakthrough posts that was hard to write but through them God set me even more free to continue sharing parts of my story without fear of punishment. I am so thankful that it resonated with you and I hope and pray it ministers to others who went through similar situations … 🙏💕

  5. God has brought me to this wonderful post several times in the past week, and every time, I glean something new! Today, I just soaked in his unconditional love! These are life-changing promises! Thank you for reminding us!

    1. I love this Stacey! I am soaking in His unconditional love, too! This has been an emotional season as He is shifting me to walk in a different way than I’ve ever done before, Worshipping Him in truth and in spirit … 🙏💕

  6. I deeply appreciate your vulnerability here, friend. You’ve touched on so many things that moved me. I especially love how God spoke to you about how he sees you. I think sometimes we can feel so alone in our pain that we feel like nobody even notices. Thank you for sharing your amazing testimony!

    1. Thank you so much Patti! I’ve always felt God’s incredible redemption power in my life. But never as strongly as I do now when I realized He can use every part of my life for His glory! Blessings to you, my precious friend … 🙏💕

  7. Sister in Christ, your vulnerability is beautiful and moved me to thank God for what he’s done in your life, as he’s done so similarly in mine. We are so blessed that El Roi, always has his eyes on us and never fails us, even when our earthly family/support system does. Psalm 139 tells us that he is with us in our highs and lows and knows us completely. What a good father he is to us! May God use your obedience in sharing your testimony to draw other women to him, for his glory💞💞💞

    1. Thank you so much for you kind words, Jenny! Blessings to you … 🙏💕

  8. Beautiful Donna, I am so happy I stopped by today. Your testimony is inspiring and encouraging. I am so grateful for our loving Father.

    1. Deborah, I’m so happy you stopped by, too! Thank you for your kind words. I am grateful for our loving Father, too … 🙏💕

  9. It is so important not to forget who we are in Christ.

    1. Amen Rebecca! Thank you for stopping by! Blessings … ❤️

  10. Wow, Donna! You have such a gift for writing in a way that is really relatable. Sharing!

    1. Jennifer, thank you for your kind words! And thank you for sharing this post, means so much to me!🙏❤️

  11. Thank you for sharing this testimony. I especially like the quote. “But somewhere along the way, we picked up a false sense of responsibility and want to punish ourselves for their choices.”

    1. Thank you, Theresa! The enemy spins his lies and twists everything to keep us stuck, doesn’t he? We have to let other people own their own words and actions and leave them in God’s very capable hands. The enemy is the father of lies but his lying days are coming to an end very soon! Praise God! Praying blessings over you, sweet sister … 🙏❤️

  12. Such a beautiful testimony! I relate on so many levels, especially when it comes to pain from childhood. I always find it incredible how lasting those early impressions can be. Thank you Jesus for healing our pain!

    1. Yes! I love how God will walk us all the way through the deepest valley to the other side if we let Him! I LOVE the freedom I have found in Christ and could have never found it anywhere else! God is good! Blessings to you sweet sister … 🙏💕

    2. Wow! This is so real, vulnerable – and needed. The devil is – and will always remain – a liar!

      I’m so glad at how far you’ve come. Thank you for sharing with us.

      1. Thank you SO much for your kind words of encouragement! Thank you for stopping by, Debby … 🙏💕

  13. What an amazing, beautiful testimony! Thank you for your honesty and sincerity, Donna. I love reading about God at work in people’s lives. I can relate to much of what you’ve shared here. I’m going to be sharing this with all my followers. God bless you, sister.

    1. Thank you Horace for your kind words! I love reading how God moves in other people’s lives, too! Not one testimony I have read was short of miraculous and beautiful! God is good! I loved your story about your second chance at life as well! Bless you bunches … 🙏😊

  14. I love how your blog focuses on Grace. I truly believe we are in a time where people need to understand the Grace of God more than ever before and oh what a gift it is!

    1. Thanks Sherry, I believe that, too! I am thankful for God’s grace for every person on earth and I strongly believe that life would not be worth living if not for God’s gift of a second chance through Him! Thank you for your sweet encouragement …🙏💕

  15. Donna – this is such a moving testimony and your words are a balm to my wounds and I know so many others. You are so right…two broken people don’t make one healthy whole person. Unfortunately we find this out after we make the decision to mesh our lives with another. But I am thankful for God’s grace for all of us, for his continuous love and guidance, and for the daily trials that he uses to grow us. Thank you for these words and for sharing your heart.

    1. Hey Stacey! Sorry for my late response but I love your very sweet comment here! I’m so thankful God could use my words to balm your wounds! I am SO thankful for His grace, too! Blessings … 🙏💕

  16. Lisa I really treasure you! You are one of the bestest friends that God ever brought into my life! Thank you for sharing your heart and taking the time to respond here with everything going on. Your love and support means so much to Rick and me. 💗

  17. God has blessed you with many gifts Donna and you are a great friend! Thank you for sharing your story and your heart with us. I can relate to so much of it as I’m sure most people can in one way or another. I think we have all felt unloved or unaccepted at one time in our lives and it is a terrible feeling. I am shy so meeting new people and developing friendships seemed hard for me. There were times as an adult that I felt that way too. As a military spouse, I moved around a lot like when I was a kid and there were times I felt like I didn’t fit in and I still feel that way sometimes. But it is my relationship with Jesus that lifts my spirits and helps me remember that I fit into God’s plan for my life and that is what really matters. I love what you said about being adopted and I will think about that when I have moments of feeling unaccepted. I liked what you said about friendship too. Focusing on God and His will for my life has led me to meet Godly women that truly care about me and my family. They pray for us and have helped us to grow closer to God. They are true friends who I completely trust with my heart and my life! Donna, you are one of my best friends! Thank you for all you do for me and thank you for sharing God’s love with others and for spreading His word. Love ya!

  18. How beautiful to be adopted by a king!!! I loved the synonyms too!!
    I definitely relate to having to let unhealthy friends (acquaintances) off the proverbial hook. The best part is God has brought beautiful appointed friends into my Life as a result!

    1. Liz, God has brought you into my life, my beautiful friend!! ❤️

  19. Debbie, I hear your heart! Love you bunches … ❤️

  20. Donna such a powerful post.

    In reading this I’m thinking I don’t have a friend. I’ve always wanted a best friend to share with, but over the years friends talk. I don’t like gossip. I have a lot of ladies I love and meet for lunch, but I don’t have one I share anything I don’t want repeated. Still looking for that friend.

  21. So true Susan! I love how you describe your experience. I am praying that someone who needs Jesus is reading this and will know in her heart that she can approach God. He is a Father figure that will never hurt her! ❤️

  22. God showed me that I was comparing my relationship with Him with my relationship with my dad too. I didn’t struggle with my view of Jesus, just my view of God. I viewed Jesus kind of like a brother. For me, a brother would be someone I could hang out with, laugh with, feel at ease with, and be myself with. God on the other hand, was like the mean, distant, non approachable dad. So, I had no problem with John 14:6, “Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” I came to Jesus. Let him go to God! Thankfully, God didn’t leave me there. I use to say, “God showed me the truth of His love for me because it’s what He does. Now I realize He showed me His love for me because it’s who He is … God ‘is’ love.

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Donna loves God's Word and is passionate to see women fall in love with Jesus. She and hubby live on the Emerald Coast where she loves serving with the Intercessory Prayer Team at their home church and volunteering with the Bible Study Companion Team at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies. She likes spending time with friends & family, hiking, painting, swimming and taking long walks on the beach at sunrise. "She is blessed who believed the Lord will keep His promises to her." Luke 1:45 ❤

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