
1 John 1:5 NLT ❤ (Verse in Bible Hub)


I would have loved to be taught about Jesus by His disciples.

Because they experienced Him first hand and got to look into His eyes. They were able to touch Him and hear His voice as He taught about His Heavenly Father and Himself. Imagine that for a moment . . .💗

John was teaching the people when he said in 1 John 1:5, “This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light: in Him there is no darkness at all.”

God is Light


I will stop right there!

In Him there is ‘no darkness’ at all. AT. ALL!!

This fact gives me one hundred percent reassurance. Reassurance that God is perfect. What an awesome powerful truth! I rejoice in it. It literally floods my soul with peace, joy and contentment.

I need my God to be perfect.

Can you imagine if He wasn’t?

I mean … if He was like us? Simultaneously loving one minute and hateful the next?

Full of indecisiveness, greed, selfishness, bitterness, insecurity, envy, jealousy?

And controlled by addictions? People pleasing? Materialism? Fear? Anxiety? Shame?

What if he was just an inanimate object?

By the way, inanimate means spiritless, sluggish, dull; regarded as lacking perception and volition. How sad would that be?

Thankfully, He is none of these things!

We write this to make our joy complete. This is the message we have heard
from Him and declare to you: God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all.
1 John 1:4-5 NIV (Passage on Bible Gateway)


God is Light … He is perfect.
He is light … Who reveals our hidden sins.
He is light … and He guides us down the narrow path ‘through’ the darkness of this world straight into his arms.

He is alive and breathing just like you and me.
God is sovereign … therefore, He is all knowing and all powerful.
He is El Elyon … the one who is exalted above all others.
He is Elohim … the one who created you.

I could write a book on this scripture, but I’ll leave you with this instead: Rest in the truth that He is your God and you are His creation, his daughter, his princess, his son, his prince. When you feel like you can’t go on, He carries you. Jesus is the only one that’s perfect.

Jesus sees you.
He knows you.
He loves you.

God bless you,

Father, I come to you with a humble heart of gratitude. And I realize I will make mistakes and sin until you come and take me home. But I am so thankful ‘You’ are perfect and lead me down paths of righteousness for Your names’ sake and will continue to lead, guide and at times, carry me, until that day. I love you, Lord. Above all, thank You for Your unconditional love. In Jesus, name. Amen.

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  1. Thank you Susan. Such a reassurance and comfort. I love that His light guides us through any darkness.

    1. You’re welcome. I’m so glad you were blessed. It brings me reassurance and comfort too. 💗

  2. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way the Bible describes God as “the light”. It’s just so perfect. The light exposes our dust and our darkness, so that we can be clean!

    1. I love it too! That we can be clean. So refreshing! 💗

  3. prescottascoolbreeze

    Only way to drive out darkness is to shine a light. No better light than the love of Jesus. Great topic here

    1. I agree. No better love than the love of Jesus.💗 Thank you Prescott!

  4. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. You’re welcome, Mary. 💗

  5. I am thankful that God is perfect but even more so that even in my imperfection, he loves me and was willing to send his Son to die for me. He is amazing!

    1. Yes, Rosanna. I am so thankful too. 💗 💗

  6. So beautifully written! I love that God’s light shines so brightly and overcomes all darkness. Thanks for this reminder today!

    1. Thank you! I hope you’re having a good week.💗

  7. I love this so much! His “lightness” has been an area of meditation for me over the past few months as I lead a sweet group of women through healing from sexual abuse/assault. We have SO MUCH DARKNESS in this world and in our lives, but knowing our God has overcome it and darkness cannot dwell in His presence is beyond encouraging to me!

    1. Thank you Alynda! I’ve written your name down in my prayer book. My prayers will be with you as you lead these women. 💗💗

  8. I so appreciate your words of truth! I LOVE that our great God is 100% perfect and in him there is no darkness at all. Thank you for such an encouraging reminder, I love thinking on His attributes as it puts my heart in its rightful place.

    1. Thank you! I love thinking on His attribute too. It puts my heart in its rightful place as well.💗

  9. That would be incredible to be discipled by Jesus in the flesh! And yes, thankful too that our God is not an inanimate object…or a ghostly spirit being like the Gnostics believed. It’s also great reminder that we will have a body like His when He was resurrected and not morph into an inanimate object or roach (yuck!) as some other religions claim. There is so much hope in Christ!

    1. It’s so sad what some people believe. I’m grateful my eyes have been opened to the truth.💗

  10. hisdearlyloveddaughter

    Beautiful! I am so thankful for Him as well!

    1. Thank you!! 💗

  11. Yes, the most beautiful thing is my Father who is Constant Love and is ALWAYS here, loving me right now!

    1. So true! I would be lost without His love!💗💗

  12. He is light and there is no darkness in Him… And we need His strength to be filled with this light….Great reminder..

    1. Thank you Sara! I’m thankful because of Him, His light is always attainable.💗

  13. One of my favorite prayers to pray is “Lord, what am I believing about you that is not true?” I am always surprised to find that I often misunderstand some aspect of who He is. Great blog about the nature of Jesus!

    1. Thank you! I love your prayer. God is always good to show us our misunderstandings of Him,isn’t He? 💗

  14. I love it that God has no darkness whatsoever because I’ve seen so much evil and darkness recently. It is a balm to my soul to know that we serve a good God of light.

    1. It’s a balm to my soul too. Thank you Susan! 💗

  15. I LOVE this Susan! You are such a precious friend to me! Your love for Jesus is so sweet and pure! Love you! ❤

    1. Thank you Donna! Your friendship and encouraging words are priceless to me. Love you too!💗

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Susan resides in beautiful Big Sky Montana. An outdoorsy girl who loves to explore, she enjoys hiking and camping with her family in the gorgeous mountains of Glacier National Park! Susan is a very thoughtful and lovable Friend. Extremely compassionate, she is a very good listener and a hard worker. She loves good chocolate, reading, photography, writing, and enjoying long talks with God.

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