LUKE 23:34 NLT ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub)



Jesus was betrayed, denied, abandoned, ridiculed and brutalized. Even so, His heart was still one of forgiveness. He fully understood they had no clue what was taking place and the part they played in it.

I used to judge them so harshly when I first became a believer.

How could you be so mean to Jesus?

Who are you that you should slap him in the face and spit on him?

How dare you mock Jesus? He is the risen Lord!!

As I’ve learned more about Jesus, I’ve also learned I am just as guilty as they were. Every time I willfully sin (I eat more than I should), I am slapping Jesus in the face.

Whenever I am more concerned with saving face than honoring truth, I am mocking Jesus.

Do you ever use the Lord’s name in vain?

Perhaps we act like He’s wearing blindfolds and can’t see what we’re doing?


Where-ever we fall short, Jesus is there asking God to forgive us.

Many times we aren’t even aware we are doing something wrong, until He reveals it to us.

Can you imagine Jesus hanging on the cross?

His flesh all bloody and torn.

He had to have been exhausted from the exertion of everything He endured, right? I’m exhausted after a day of construction cleaning. I can’t even imagine going through everything Jesus did.

And on top of that, He also carried all the sins of the world. Yet, He still had a heart of forgiveness.

Luke 23:34 (Verse on Bible Hub)

This statement grieves my heart.

Jesus was totally aware of what was going on while He hung on the cross.
He knew they were gambling for His clothing at the very same time He was dying for their sins.
And He still had a heart of forgiveness.
They were completely unaware.

Jesus was able to forgive because His love for them superseded their disdain for Him.
His love overruled their abuse.
His love overpowered their mockery.

JESUS was able to forgive because HIS LOVE for them superseded their disdain for Him. HIS LOVE overruled their abuse. HIS LOVE overpowered their mockery. Click To Tweet

Jesus’ love is something we’ll never fully grasp the understanding of until He takes us to live in heaven.
I fall short so often, but continue to ask Jesus to help me so I may genuinely love like He does.

We still see unawareness all around us today, don’t we?

Our society is often clueless and absent minded.

They believe in many different things and gods, so they can’t see Jesus for who He truly is.

As we take into consideration all Jesus did for us, let’s allow Him to examine our hearts.

I don’t want to be unaware in any area of my life. It’s my prayer that after Easter I don’t too quickly forget and get bogged down with the things of life again.

Everything Jesus did, He did for us.

Jesus died for us.
He rose for us.
He reigns for us.

Blessings this Easter,

Father, Forgive Them @ freshgracefortoday.com

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  1. Great article for this Easter. You brought up a great point that I’ve never personally thought about, that we are just like those who mocked Jesus as he was dying. When we purposely sin or walk out of line of his word, we may be doing just that. It’s a good reminder for all of us that through his sacrifice we are reconciled with God.

    1. Thank you, Ayo. I’m ever so thankful for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and the sacrifice He made that gave us a way to God the Father. Have a fantastic Easter.💗

  2. So often we can be like those whom we judge – and disregard our Lord and his hopes and commands for us – even when he is right in front of us. This is all the more reason that we need to keep our eyes focused vertically, on the Cross so we do not get distracted by what is going on in the world around us. So thankful we have a Lord and Saviour who is so loving and filled with abundant grace and forgiveness. Blessings this Easter.

    1. I’m so thankful too, Anne. Where would I be without Our Lord and Savior? And all His grace, mercy and forgiveness?
      Have a very blessed Easter.💗

  3. A great reminder to not be judgmental. I am right there with you. I used to judge those who beat Him and mocked Him. But they didn’t realize what they were doing and who He was. Just like we don’t sometimes.

    1. Isn’t that true, Josie? We do forget or sometimes not even realize it at all. Have a wonderful Easter!💗

  4. I used to be pretty judgmental about people who didn’t believe the way I did, as well. But what I do is project this event into today, and ask myself if I would have followed Jesus if He were alive on the Earth today, instead of 2000 years ago. In all honesty, I don’t know. That is a pretty sobering thought.

    1. I do the same, Janene, and it ‘is’ such a sobering thought. I’ve also had to admit that if I were one of Jesus’ disciples back then, more than likely, I would have hidden like the rest of them did. It makes me feel sad about myself, but I know Jesus knows my heart more than I do and thankfully he still loves me and continues to work in my heart.💗Have a glorious Easter!💗

  5. Beautifully written! It is so important to grasp the fullness of Jesus’ sacrifice

    1. Thank you Simi! I hope you have a lovely Easter.💗

  6. thefaithtoflourish

    Thank you for reminding us to reflect inwardly this Easter weekend. Jesus died for me and for my sins. It’s tempted to believe that He died for all the “bad” sins committed by bad people. But the truth is I am one of them. It is very humbling. Thank you, Jesus, for your mercy and your grace.

    1. Thank you! Have a blessed Easter.💗

  7. Loved this post, Susan!

    1. Thank you!! Have a wonderful Easter!💗

  8. Yes I can’t believe from the criss Jesus was asking God to forgive us. It just shows how much he loves and cares for us even more!

    1. It’s amazing! 💗

  9. This was just on time as usual.. I am so overwhelmed with trying to forgive a past issue but this today and His love for me has humbled me to forgive … Thank You
    Happy Easter my sweet Jesus Sisters

    1. Awwe … That’s wonderful, Vickie! God’s pretty awesome, isn’t He? You and your beautiful family have a happy Easter too!! Love you💗

  10. Great post, Susan! I am reading over what Christ endured on the day of His crucifixion, and it’s amazing that He was willing to endure so much for us! Praise Him!

    1. Thank you Patricia! You’re right … it is amazing Jesus was willing to endure so much for us. I’m praising Him with you.💗

  11. Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this thought provoking ever so true post with us 😊

    1. Thank you Stacy! Have a wonderful Easter!💗

  12. Wonderful post, I never can comprehend it, and I do try to remember Father forgive, most of us don’t realize what we are doing, we just don’t think as high as God. Have a blessed Easter.

    1. Thank you Rebecca! You have a blessed Easter too.💗

  13. We can be so unaware of our sin, can’t we? And Jesus loves us anyway. So powerful. Thanks for sharing 💗

    1. Yes, Erin, and I’m so thankful Jesus loves us anyway.💗💗

  14. This is so beautiful, Susan! ❤ Happy Easter sweet friend … Love you!

    1. Thank you Donna! Happy Easter to you and your family … love you too!

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Susan resides in beautiful Big Sky Montana. An outdoorsy girl who loves to explore, she enjoys hiking and camping with her family in the gorgeous mountains of Glacier National Park! Susan is a very thoughtful and lovable Friend. Extremely compassionate, she is a very good listener and a hard worker. She loves good chocolate, reading, photography, writing, and enjoying long talks with God.

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