God's Word - Walking with God in His Garden

And they heard the sound of the LORD GOD walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD GOD among the trees of the garden.
Genesis 3:8 NKJV ❤ (Verse on Bible Gateway)

God’s Word – Walking with Him in His Garden

“They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden!” 

I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to hear the sound of the Lord God walking. Adam and Eve were blessed to experience this to the fullest. The garden was perfect with plants that provided food while other plants were just for the pleasure of viewing. Adam and Eve also lived at peace with the animals and they had nothing to fear.

They didn’t have to work hard to earn a living either. But the very best blessing was they had full access to walk with God. Wow! It’s difficult for me to even imagine.

“Behold, I make all things new.” (Revelation 21:5 NKJV)

Do these words fill you with hope, like they do for me?

Knowing Jesus is in Heaven preparing paradise, our future garden?

We will experience freedom like never before. The work we’ll do will be enjoyable, no longer back breaking.  We won’t feel pain, cry or mourn ever again.

There will be no more wrestling of any kind whatsoever! There will be no more death and the best part, we will walk with God. I love that!

I long to be in this Garden walking with my Lord and Savior …

When I wrote my original post, I had just read a mini study plan called “7 More Hebrew Words Every Christian Should Know” on the You Version App. I read that the Hebrew word for garden in Genesis 3:8 was Pardes and I posted about it here. But after my post went live, and with further digging into Strong’s Concordance, I discovered that the translation from You Version is actually not correct. The Hebrew word for garden in Gen 3:8 is actually gan, which means an enclosure or garden, it’s literal location being the Garden of Eden. 

The Hebrew word Pardes פרדס, (Strong’s #6508) only appears three times in the Hebrew Bible (Nehemiah 2:8, Ecclesiastes 2:5, and Song of Solomon 4:13. And the original meaning of this word is paradise. Isn’t that beautiful? I decided to keep this post because my heart was to point you to the garden in paradise. We just wanted to make sure we provided the correct verses connected to the Hebrew word Pardes so our readers get an accurate Biblical translation.

I love that Pardes means paradise, don’t you? It is also an acronym for the four levels of understanding the meaning behind every story in the bible:

  • P’shat (the simple meaning)
  • Remez (the implied meaning)
  • Drash (the deeper meaning)
  • Sod (the hidden meaning)

Together, the first letters create the word ‘Pardes’, so Rabbis say studying the bible is like being in Paradise.

So, whenever we read or study our bible, we are walking in paradise with our God. The only perfection we will find while living between the two perfect Gardens (Eden and Paradise) is in the Word of God.

It’s our Garden between Gardens …

As a born again believer, God knew we would journey through this space between the Garden of Eden and the garden in Heaven. You can read all about the garden in heaven right here in Revelation 22, which is titled Eden Restored. The tree of life is there!!! Don’t you just LOVE that?

During this journey between the two gardens, God didn’t leave us here alone to fight our battles all by ourselves. Not only did He give us His Holy Spirit, but God gave us His Word, where the ultimate truth dwells. Next time you read your bible, imagine you are walking with God in paradise. And always remember:

God Himself is accompanying you through this world and you are never alone!

This vision has helped me get through many challenging, demanding, and discouraging days.

Enjoy your walk with God in paradise … 

Much love ❤️

Then He Who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”
And He said to me, “Write, for these Words are true and faithful.”
Revelation 21:5 NKJV (Verse on Bible Gateway)

“God’s Word – Walking with Him in His Garden” @freshgracefortoday

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  1. Hi so enjoyed to hear about the garden I just love that scripture about he walks in the cool of the day! Thanks so much for more insight God Bless

    1. Thank you, Connie! I’m so glad you enjoyed the post. I love that scripture about God walking around in the cool of the day too! 💗

  2. I am so thankful God walks with me and I don’t have to earn His love.

    1. Me too, Mamie! God’s love is perfect!❤

  3. I’ve read this post a few times and it is always refreshing. So excited for heaven! In God’s perfect timing!

    1. I’m excited for heaven too, Alonda! Thank you!❤❤

  4. I often wonder what it must have been like with Adam and Eve in the garden. I love that you connected their experience to today. We have such privilege to enter into God’s presence every day

    1. Thank you, Anne! I love that we can enter into God’s presence every day too! He is awesome!❤❤

  5. I loved this post! I felt like I was walking in the garden with God as I read it! Can you imagine walking with Him in it?!

    1. Thank you, Karen! It blesses my heart that you felt like you were walking in the garden with God as you read the post.❤❤

  6. Thank you for this encouraging thought today! God’s Word is our connection to walking with Him in His garden.

    1. Hi Jessie, thank you! ❤

  7. Love this. Never thought about how studying the scriptures allows us to walk with God in our own garden. Thank you.

    1. It was new to me too. Thank you, Timothy!

  8. Yes, Adam and Eve had the rare privilege of God walking in the garden but we can hear God through our spirit as well and for this, I’m thankful.

  9. I am so thankful that God walks with us through every season of our lives! It is so beautiful that the One who created us is right next to us in this life!

  10. I love this quote in your post, “Whenever we read or study our bible, we are walking in God’s Garden with Him.” That is the most beautiful picture I can imagine when reading the bible. Thank you!

  11. Such a beautiful visual of God walking us through the Bible as he did with Adam and Eve. Love that we have a personal teacher and advocate as we grow.

  12. What a great thought. The ‘sound’ of walking with Him, my savior. Thanks for giving me something to ponder and meditate on!

  13. “Whenever we read or study our bible, we are walking in God’s Garden with Him.” – wow this blew me away. Something for me to mediate on.

  14. What a delightful truth! While I long every day for the second coming of Christ, I love that we can walk with God in the “garden of his Word”.

  15. I love this! We are all walking with God daily. I like to imagine that He is right there by my side when I talk to Him. Beautiful!

  16. I love the image of walking in the garden with our Heavenly Father. What a wonderful blessing and experience. Thank you for presenting time in God’s Word with being in the garden with Him.

  17. I had never heard of “Pardes” before but what an insightful way to look at God’s word. I will have to incorporate the acronym next time I study a section of scripture!

  18. This is such a beautiful portrayal. To walk in the garden with God seems like such a wonderful way of fellowship and relationship. But l am so glad God is with me toi even when l am in the dark trails of life when nothing makes sense. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Ava, I’m grateful too that God is with us when nothing makes sense. When I’m going through dark trials, I remind myself that God is the only one who does make sense.❤❤

  19. Thank you so much for sharing this with us! I cannot wait to walk with God in Heaven either.

    1. Thank you, Adriana! I’m excited for that day as well. ❤

  20. purposefilledstories

    Love it 1 walking between 2 gardens- Eden and paradise and that we can do that now through Gods word. So encouraging to keep spending time with God in the bible, love the visualisation too!

    1. Thank you! I’m thankful we have the Word. ❤

  21. I love the imagery of a garden walk, when we spend time in God’s Word. Reminds me of the old hymn, “In the Garden,” especially the line: “He walks with me and he talks with me.” Such a precious privilege he gives us!

    1. I love it too, Nancy! It is such a wonderful privilege!❤

  22. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts about this bible verse.

  23. Such an encouraging post! Reading our Bible is like walking in the garden with God. Beautiful!

  24. Susan, your analogy of the Word and the Garden is wonderful. I never thought of it that way. I have tried to imagine how wonderful it would be to walk in a garden with God! It’s almost unimaginable but fully desirable

    1. I agree, walking in a garden with God is unimaginable; yet fully desirable.❤ Thank you, Fleda!

  25. I love that as we read our bible and study Gods word it’s like being in His garden. I’m with you on what it would be like to be close enough to hear Him coming. Gives me chills. Love this and you Susan.

    1. Thank you, Vickie!! Love you too! You’re a true friend. ❤❤

  26. I have thought about this often! How cool would it have been to walk in Adam and Eve’s shoes, in the garden with God. It gets me excited to experience that and MORE in heaven!

    1. Me too!!! Thank you, Alonda! ❤

  27. Love that you compare studying the Word to being in the garden with God. It fills my heart to picture that image. Thank you!

    1. Hi Kathryn! It fills my heart too. ❤ Thank you!

  28. The whole image of walking with God in the garden has always been beautiful to me. I love the presence of God!

    1. Nothing can compare to the presence of God, can it? I love it too!! Thank you, Susan. ❤

  29. You’re right. We walk in God’s garden but we’re never alone unless we choose to. He promises us in Joshua 1:9 that He will be with us everywhere we go. He indeed keeps His promises.

    1. Reading your comment reminded me of the song, ‘Way Maker’ because Jesus is a promise keeper. He never leaves or forsakes us. Thank you, Judith! ❤

  30. I love this a lot ❤️❤️❤️ It’s very inspiring and nice ☘️. It is a great honor to be in your blog 🙇 I’m definitely following this blog 🎊

    1. Thank you, Vincent! It’s great to have you here!! ❤

  31. I too, love the Hebrew, most people get no deeper than remez. I was writing about Eve. It is fun to imagine a perfect world where we walk with Him but I am thankful He walks with us through this one until we get there.

    1. Thank for this reminder Susan! A reminder that we have a hope of reigning with our father forever and ever. It’s going to be so beautiful! May God uphold us till the end 🙏

      1. It will be beautiful! God is so good!! ❤

    2. Hi Rebecca! I’m so thankful God walks with us here too!! My heart really goes out to those who haven’t experienced Him yet. Thank you!❤

  32. I love how you dig into scripture 💜 I love this post so much!! I love how you explained the garden part and how you incite us to imagine ourselves in the Garden with Our Maker when we read the WORD!! 💜🙌🙏

    1. Your enthusiasm blesses my heart, Johanna! Thank you!!❤

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Susan resides in beautiful Big Sky Montana. An outdoorsy girl who loves to explore, she enjoys hiking and camping with her family in the gorgeous mountains of Glacier National Park! Susan is a very thoughtful and lovable Friend. Extremely compassionate, she is a very good listener and a hard worker. She loves good chocolate, reading, photography, writing, and enjoying long talks with God.

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