ROMANS 11:29 AMP ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub)


Last summer, the Lord asked me to release some things to Him. Always doubting whether I heard Him right, I was afraid of letting go of something that I might later regret. And I hate regrets!

For so long, I’ve been adamant to live a life of no regrets. I would try to choose what I believed was the right thing to do, whether my feelings were on board or not. Which, to a certain point, is not a bad thing. And I have witnessed God working out (for my good) several areas of my life where I refused to give up.

But I didn’t realize just how ‘responsibility laden’ I’ve become and how heavy that is to carry. If I was not responsible for myself, I took responsibility for someone else! 

Then last Fall, the Lord dropped in my spirit His word for me in 2019. It was ‘Dream’. I wasn’t really sure where He was leading me with that but He whispered several times that it would take trust on my part to ‘let go’ and dream with Him.

After that moment, I literally began to see the word “Dream” everywhere I looked.

I shared my word with friends on several different occasions. On my birthday, one sweet friend gave me a beautiful book on dreams and how to interpret them.

As January unfolded, I continued to fill up my time with what I’ve always done. But it just wasn’t flowing for me anymore. At first the Lord spoke gently to me, but then His grace began to lift off of me in those areas and I felt it. A sweet older lady, who I consider my mentor, told me if I continued to be disobedient in an area in which God’s grace was lifting, I would get sick.

Then in mid February, a beautiful Author named Kris Reece generously offered a few copies of her new book to bless some ladies here on our blog. At first I thought it was as simple as giving a book away. But I felt God pressing on my heart to read this book myself before I went forward with this giveaway. At the time, I had absolutely no idea just how much this book was going to bless me!


Kris Reece is a Christian Life Coach, Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor, and Speaker. She is accredited through the National Christian Counselors Association, and holds a Ph.D in Christian Counseling, and MA. in Theology.

She is a powerful communicator and God uses her to save women from many years of trying to figure things out on their own. Or worse, settling for less than His best for them.

With the Lord’s anointing, her education, 20 plus years of motivating others, and her own personal transformational experience with God, Kris delights in pouring herself into helping others heal from their past, grow in their faith and enjoy the abundant life Jesus came to give them.

Kris is passionate about helping women who are stuck and unfulfilled in life to become all that God designed them to be. God works powerfully through her to offer women a very do-able, practical step-by-step process to defeat their strongholds and begin to discover their unique purpose.


Kris loves to equip women with the PRECISE tools, clarity and faith needed to make positive changes and create a beautiful life for themselves. And wow … is it ever evident in this book! And it all makes perfect sense! I can usually read a book within a few days but this one goes so much deeper than that. It really speaks to me and I will to return to it so I can process some things deeper.

As I read the first chapter, I began to think maybe I wouldn’t be able to relate to this book because Kris has accomplished so much. You know that’s the enemy giving me those thoughts because he didn’t want me to keep reading. So I chose to trust the author when she said she could relate to me because she has fought the battle of unfulfilled dreams herself and not living with her true purpose.

WOW I’m glad I did.

Because wham! In chapter two, God really showed up big time for me! The second chapter is titled; “Determine What Kind of Dreamer You Are.”

All of a sudden the realization hit me that God was already up close and personal with me and my word for this year. As I kept reading, I began to weep. Good tears, not sad. God knew when He gave me the word “Dream” last October that I would be sitting here now. His provision always goes on up ahead of me before I even know I needed it.

And, after reading Kris’ book, I now realize what the Lord was trying to say to me.

I have forgotten how to dream with God!

I believed for so long that I would never amount to anything, because that was what was spoken over me so many times. And I had such a fear of failure that I would procrastinate on beginning certain things while leaving other stuff unfinished. It was like I was subconciously trying to sabotage myself to prove (to whom?) that I didn’t amount to anything.

But God broke that curse years ago.

Even with the curse lifted, I’ve just been plugging along, managing my life instead of trusting God fully so I can fully thrive in His purpose for me. He gave me a love for art but the lights in my studio remained off for pretty much all of 2018. I also didn’t give as much time last year to my writing as I should have, despite God dropping one prompt after another into my heart. I was so busy but not accomplishing anything.

But as of last week, I have unapologetically let go of all that I believe God has released me from in the physical sense. Now to do the same with whatever might be hindering me in my spirit and soul. I need to completely let go to receive. No more guilt and no more false sense of responsibility for things I’m not responsible for. Definitely no regrets. And I am looking forward to seeing where He leads me.

Like I mentioned earlier, I truly need to go back and re-read this book several more times, to slowly and fully work each step that Kris laid out once again so I don’t miss anything. I want God to begin uncovering my true purpose in Him, not just what I think it might be. And, just as important, I want to know beyond a shadow of a doubt the ‘why’ behind my purpose so I can stay on track and persevere even when other things are pressing in my life.


This book is very well written, easy to read, flows well and is packed with so much Godly wisdom and information at the same time. It is more than just a book to read and discuss with your girlfriends over lunch, only to put back on your shelf to collect dust. It is a life interrupter, if you know what I mean. Not only will you discover if changes need to be made to live out your unique purpose, but you will be filled with hope that it’s not too late to begin now.

Book CoverKris’ heart is to help us break free from whatever is holding us back. She very practically lays out her tried and true steps for us so we can begin to make real changes.

I learned that our purpose is sometimes not the same as our talents and gifts. I didn’t realize that before. Sometimes our purpose will require learning a new skill. Living out our purpose will not only bring personal fulfillment, but will definitely bless the world around us. God created us for a purpose and He will show us what it is if we let Him.

Kris’ book is laid out into three phases: Discover, Develop and Design.

Jam packed with purposeful ‘step by step’ exercises to walk you through the entire process. I know nothing can really replace sitting face to face with the author and allowing her into the deep places of our hearts so she can guide us. But this is definitely a good second! She also offers a link to download a full 17 page worksheet to go deeper.

I literally feel like the Holy Spirit is changing the way I see my life right now.

This book is so refreshing in that it feels like ‘soul care’ to me. Kris writes that we need to know how God created us before we can employ our purpose. He is always more interested in US first before anything that we can DO.

You will discover your true temperament and realize it may be different from the personality you have been sharing with the world. Your temperament is how you are wired and is key to finding fulfillment in virtually every area of your life.

Kris quotes Katherine Paterson; “A dream without a plan is just a wish.” That is so true. And You will learn how to stop derailing your dreams. She will lead you to stop listening to the wrong voices within and fully embrace your God given uniqueness to begin the process of unwrapping all your gifts.

Jesus has whispered to me so many times through the years; “Be kind to yourself.”

After reading Kris’ book, I realize that by retraining my thoughts and words to think and say “I CHOOSE to do this or that …” instead of declaring “I HAVE to do this or that … ” is a brand new way for me to be kind to myself from now on. Thank You, Lord! And thank you Kris!

I want to finish my life with God inspired purpose, and not waste anymore time wandering aimlessly through my days. How about you? ❤

I LOVE this book and I believe you will, too!!

Kris has very generously offered to bless not one, but TWO LADIES, with a copy of her new book. Please comment below (or on our Facebook Post) with your answer to any portion of these questions … “Do you remember the dream(s) you had when you were younger? Are you living any of them now? Or have the dreams evolved into something greater?” ❤ 

Two names will be randomly drawn on Friday, April 12, 2019. Winner will be notified here and via email. Winner must reside Stateside, please. Thank you so much …


Kris Reece is a Christian Life Coach, Counselor, Award Winning Author and Speaker.

Her heart is to help women who feel stuck in life to develop a plan to discover their purpose, defeat their devils, and become everything God created them to be.  

She holds a Ph.D. in Christian Counseling and MA in Theology.

Kris and her husband live in Hillsborough NJ. Together, they have four children and an ever-growing tribe of fur babies.

In addition to road cycling and animal rescue, Kris enjoys being in the Word and living a life fully surrendered to God

Follow Kris on Social Media :::

Instagram: kris_reece_
Twitter:::   @ReeceKris
Pinterest:   Kris Reece | Christian Life Coach, Christian Counselor, Women’s Speaker
Facebook:  Kris Reece

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  1. Thank you to everyone who responded here. We have drawn two names and the winners will be notified via email, also. The winner’s names are Jody Rohleder and Erin Boado from Lullaby Lark. Thank you ladies! Much love to you … Donna

    1. Oh wow! I’m so excited! Thank you so much, Donna and Kris!

      1. You are so welcome, Erin! Thank you for your support! 😊😊😊

        1. 💗💗💗

      2. Congrats Erin! Many blessings to you on your journey!

    2. Oh, goodness Donna!! What a surprise and complete blessing!! I seriously never win anything, lol!! Thank you so very much. I am so incredibly grateful for you!

      1. Congratulations Jody. So excited for you!

  2. hisdearlyloveddaughter

    To answer your question, one of my earliest dreams was to have a book published one day. I have loved to write since I learned to do it, and have dreamed of using it for God’s glory since I was a very young girl. Now, I probably never would have chosen the specific area into which He has called me to write on my own, but that is the beauty of our God – He just knows better than we do!
    This book sounds very interesting. I will have to add reading it to my to-do list! Thanks for the recommendation!

    1. You’re very welcome Cherith. And you know how much I loved your book! ❤

  3. I put a not in the Wailing Wall 12 years ago telling the Lord about dream of writing about Him. I started my blog 2 years ago.

    1. That is so awesome Alice! God really speaks to me through your writing. He is blessing many with your life and gift … ❤

    2. Congratulations Alice. Keep pressing forward! May He bless all you do in His name.

  4. It is amazing when God speaks to you with a single word and that word becomes a theme in you life. As God unfolds what He needs you to see, know or learn it is just absolutely incredible.

    This post spoke to me and I have added this book to my list of to read. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Thank you Jennifer! You are always so encouraging! ❤

  5. What beautiful experiences of faith you’ve had with the word “dream” – your post encouraged me greatly – thank you!

    So. A childhood dream? I had many, many dreams, and some of them have happened. My boyfriend (now husband of 35 years) and I wrote to each other about traveling fulltime with an RV, and after 30 years of marriage we did! We sold our home and went on the road after the kids were grown and gone. (We found the letters as we were putting our stuff into storage.)Being on the road was wonderful!

    Another personal dream was to write. And now that has been made easier with our ability to write online. 😉

    1. Awee how cool! My hubby and I want to travel when he retires also. Not sure we will get an RV though, but we know a couple who are having an RV built for them right now and I am excited for them when they retire in a few months. ❤

  6. I remember always wanting to be a missionary when I was younger. I was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis as a teenager and it made being a medical missionary impossible for now. Now, he’s using me to minister as a social worker in a local medical clinic and I plan to reach the world with my blog. God is faithful.

    1. Awesome Miranda! He sure is faithful to bring His dreams to pass in us! ❤

  7. As a child, I dreamed of being a paleontologist or a meteorologist. Those did not come to pass, but I choose to believe God stirred within me a curiosity. This curiosity is what helps me today to be a better therapist. I think that God does that. He is able to use a concept and bring it to a fuller form. So, no, I’m not digging up bones or forecasting the weather, but the curiosity that I had as a child grew to help me become who I am now.

    1. I know what you mean, Laura! I have that same curiosity still many years later. I am digging into His word like buried treasure and its opened a whole new way of thinking and living for me! ❤

    2. that’s exactly what God does Laura. too often we get stuck in the “what” and we don’t see that God is working all things together. Thanks for reading!

  8. Ok, this is so strange. I just wrote a post about the difference between Dreams, Wishes and Goals, and how dreams stay dreams without goals to make them come about. (Goals have feet). Then I was asked to read and review a book, She Dreams, about how important dreams are, now, I just read about the word God gave you, then the book you were led to read, about dreams. Maybe God has an adventure for me?

    1. Janene I would love to read your post. Also the book She Dreams. I love how the Holy Spirit connects and confirms things for us … ❤

  9. susanhomeschooling

    “But I didn’t realize just how ‘responsibility laden’ I’ve become and how heavy that is to carry.” — I can relate to this! Okay, now for your questions: When I was younger I dreamed of traveling the world, and when I became an adult, I did it. I ended up living in England for 3 years and traveled from there. I have done almost no traveling since I got married 22 years ago, but with a family come responsibilities. I miss traveling and enjoying God’s magnificent creation. I also dreamed I would be a writer, and I am!

    1. I love your writing, Susan! ❤ My hubby and I would love to be able to travel in the years to come. We would love to learn some french (he knows some already) and italian so we can enjoy mingling with the locals there.

  10. I am so glad that Kris’ book blessed you, Donna! The book seems really interesting and good! I had a dream of being an astronaut when I was younger, but since I have corrective lenses, I am excluded from that. But the other dream that I had for a long time was being a writer. This is a dream that God is working in me through my blog and other ways. However, now my focus of writing is more to bless other people, instead of just myself.

    1. Astronaut? Wow, that’s cool. So glad to hear you want to bless other people through your writing! God will definitely do that through you! That is so wonderful! ❤

  11. I guess my dream was to find a good husband and have wonderful children. I dreamed o going to America. I went with my son. Years later I met !y husband and we had a wonderful daughter. Today my son has a wonderful family and I have a beautiful granddaughter. Life isn’t easy but God has a plan for everyone.

    1. I love this Veronica … ❤ You are living your dream! So blessed to hear of God blessing your family through the generations.

  12. amandaclaireaustin

    As someone dreaming God sized dreams right now, this was so encouraging to read!

    1. Yay, good for you Amanda! This was encouraging to read as well!! ❤❤❤

    2. Keep dreaming Amanda, keep dreaming!

  13. Yes … and no. A main dream I had when younger is fulfilled to an extent. But where I’ve dropped off dreaming is two-fold – not believing it will come fully and not continuing to dream in other areas as life has unfolded. Thank you!

    1. You are so welcome Sheri. And yes, me too for sure! I can have big faith for other people but not for myself. Why is that? I want to change that! 😢❤

  14. This looks like a wonderful message!

    1. It is a really good book! 😊😊😊

      1. Thank you Donna. You’re a gem in His crown. May all of your God-given dreams come true!

  15. This sounds like an amazing book! I do remember the dreams I had when I was little (being a dancer was the big one!) I’m not pursuing that now, but I am pursuing the dreams Jesus has laid on my heart, even if it’s uncertain and scary. Thanks for sharing this book with us! 🙂

    1. You are so welcome Becky! I love your writing, you are always so encouraging! Blessings to you … ❤

  16. Thank you for your vulnerability and review of this book Donna! I’m definitely adding it to my reading list. I love how it inspired you to finished your life with God inspired purpose! That is exactly the inspiration I need to hear as well!

    1. Thank you Pamela! You are such an encouragement to me … ❤❤❤

  17. Donna, Thank you for this thoughtful, vulnerable book review! I love your provoking questions as well….gosh, the dreams of my youth have been so stifled! For so long the reason was being a busy Mom but I have had an empty nest for many years now. So something to pray and ponder on! I am so grateful to you for sharing your heart and soul about “dreaming with God”! You are such a bright light on a hill! Thank you!!

    1. Jody, hey sweet sister! You are always such a bright light for Jesus to me! I wish we lived closer to each other! ❤

  18. I think your desire to follow God is beautiful!

    1. Amanda … ❤❤❤

  19. Donna, tears came to my eyes just reading your review! I think that means I need to hear what’s in this book. I was in graduate school in Boston with the dream of becoming a college professor. That fell through, and I’ve basically been directionless for a decade. God has placed writing on my heart. It’s something I’ve always been “good at.” But I wonder where God may be leading me. Like you, I think I need to learn how to dream with God.

    1. Oh Erin, I sure don’t see you as being directionless, that’s just me though. I do hear your heart! ❤ You are going through so much in this season as a special needs mom. Praying for us both to dream with God about our futures. I love how you write. God is definitely using you in your writings. So filled with hope and very inspiring …

      1. Thanks, Donna. You are always so kind and encouraging 💗

    2. Hi Erin, I agree with Donna completely. You are not directionless. He uses everything we’ve been through, gone through and done to work out for our good and His glory. Stay on his path and he will take you places that even you haven’t dreamed possible. Blessings!

  20. What a great message! I know I sometimes struggle with the “have-tos” versus the “I choose-tos”! Sounds like an inspiring book!

    1. Thank you Laura. Yes, it is a very inspiring book. God is speaking deeply into me about a few things that I’m not quite sure what direction He is leading me in it just yet … ❤

  21. The dream I had when I was younger was to be married and have children, I am married 27yrs now and was bless with three children, one of my own and two we adopted from foster care, and a few years ago God called me into ministry as a Pastor

    1. Love it, Eileen! There is no higher calling than to be a mom, and also to shepherd God’s people. Praying blessings over you … ❤

      1. Thank you, and may our Lord continue to bless you

    2. Eileen you sound like a woman who is truly walking in her God given purpose. May our Lord continue to bless the work of your hands!

      1. Thank you for your kind words

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Donna loves God's Word and is passionate to see women fall in love with Jesus. She and hubby live on the Emerald Coast where she loves serving with the Intercessory Prayer Team at their home church and volunteering with the Bible Study Companion Team at Proverbs 31 Online Bible Studies. She likes spending time with friends & family, hiking, painting, swimming and taking long walks on the beach at sunrise. "She is blessed who believed the Lord will keep His promises to her." Luke 1:45 ❤

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