“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
Colossians 4:2 (Verse on Bible Hub)


Devote Yourselves to Prayer

Spending quiet time in prayer with God is extremely refreshing. But I know keeping our minds focused is quite challenging, isn’t it?

I have a more difficult time when I’m mentally and emotionally exhausted. Especially when other people allow (many times unknowingly) the enemy to use them to attack me. It thoroughly exhausts me.

On the other hand, it is in these times I feel myself being carried by the prayers of my faithful friends and Jesus, Who is my best friend. And when I finally reach the place of sharing with a couple of close friends, the words of life and prayers they speak brings the peace back instantly. ❤️


There are so many awesome scriptures on the importance of prayer and Colossians 4:2 is one of them. It’s simple and easy to memorize. But still it packs a good punch … full of power!

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”
Colossians 4:2

The definition of ‘Devote’ is:

To give all or a large part of one’s time or resources to (a person, activity or cause).

Some synonyms for devote are:

allocate, commit, give over, surrender, sacrifice, set aside, pledge,and reserve.

The definition of ‘Watchful’ is:

Watching or observing someone or something closely; alert and vigilant.

Some synonyms for watchful are:

awake, aware, observant, sharp and attentive.

The definition of ‘Thankful’ is:

Pleased and relieved.

Some synonyms for thankful are:

glad, grateful, obliged and indebted.

Breaking down scriptures like this, (Verse Mapping), helps me to remember them.

Devote Yourselves to Prayer

But it also helps me to see and understand their importance.

Devoting time to God doesn’t always come easy. Sometimes It’s a sacrifice. But when I make myself do it during the times I really don’t want to, it’s always worth the time.

God is so faithful … always!

It’s still amazing to me how when I devote myself to prayer, the feeling of being pleased and relieved (definition of ‘thankful’) just follow it, even when my circumstances don’t change. I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit living inside of me. And the fact that Jesus didn’t return to Heaven, leaving us here all on our own.

I was just talking to God the other day and I told Him,

“I’m not afraid of the Corona, but I am afraid for my Country and the economy.”

God reminded me once again that I don’t belong to the USA, the economy, President Trump or anything that may happen here. I belong to Him and Him alone. I appreciate His constant reassurance. I think to myself, “Why would I want to serve and pray to any other god?”

Please join me in prayer …

Abba Father, I am so grateful for You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Thank you for not leaving us on our own and thank You for Your Word. Thank You that we are allowed to approach Your throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. I ask that You would reveal more of the truth of who You are to each one of us as we devote time to You and seek Your kingdom above all else and remain in You.

I also ask that You would remove guilt from our hearts. Show us the difference between when we are being carried by You and the prayer of others and when we’re rebelling against You because we haven’t spent quite as much time with You as usual. I know You have shown me that these are the times when I’m being still and knowing You are God. Thank you that You still have everything under control and we can trust You completely. In Jesus precious name …

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done.”
Philippians 4:6 (Verse on Bible Hub)

Devote Yourselves to Prayer @freshgracefortoday.com

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Photo Credits: Canva


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  1. Amazing post. I had studied on the term “ watchful “ few years ago and it was such an encouragement for my personal growth.

    Thankful !

    1. Thank you, Diana! 💗

      1. Was studying this particular part of scripture today and came across your blog. Such a blessing and sweet reminder to me. Thank you for your encouragement and faithful obedience to the Lord!

        1. Tyra, thank you so much for joining us today! I hope you have a beautiful Christmas and a very blessed New Year! ❤

  2. Susan, beautiful post and prayer sweet friend! 😘❤

    1. Thank you so much, Donna!💗💗

  3. Thank you. I know sometimes finding time to pray can be hard. Thank you for reminder

    1. You’re welcome, Elizabeth! ❤ Ugh … It sure shows when I don’t find the time.

  4. Thank you for this word of exhortation today. Prayer is beneficial on so many levels and we must stop praying.

    1. Betty, I’m so grateful we have the privilege to pray.❤

  5. I love how clearly you explain prayer and then give such a great example! Thanks for all your posts and for being such a great example of pointing people to Christ!

    1. Hi, Kariminter! Thank you for your encouraging words.❤

  6. A worthy reminder indeed. Thank you so much for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Evangeline!❤

  7. Devoting ourselves to prayer, I think, is the greatest privilege we have as believers. God wants us to be in constant contact with him and I find that astonishing!

    1. I find it very astonishing as well, Summer. Thank you!❤

  8. Thanks for the reminder that we belong to God alone. When I focus on this truth it is easier to not let fear take over. I love the reminder and explanation of the scripture in Colossians too!

    1. Thank you, Mary! I’m thankful we have the truth of belonging to God to help keep fear at bay. He is good. ❤

  9. Thank you for these words of encouragement! Yes, I completely agree that it is vital that we are faithful to stay connected to God through prayer. I love how you pointed out that “I belong to Him and Him alone.” What peace it brings when we simply remember that we are His, and He is faithful <3

    1. Remembering I belong to Him has gotten me through many trials, Tabatha. Thank you!❤

  10. […] via Devote Yourselves to Prayer – Colossians 4:2 — Fresh Grace for Today […]

    1. Thank you for sharing our post, Eileen! ❤

    2. Thank you so much!! God bless you! ❤

  11. Such a sweet reminder of the refreshing that is ours when we spend time alone with our Saviour! Thank you for sharing this, and for the example of verse mapping. Blessings!

    1. Thank you, Teresa! Verse mapping has helped me understand scripture so much!❤

  12. Thank you for sharing. It’s so energizing to come to the Fountain of Life and drink deeply. He is our source and strength. My times with Him are never regretted.

    1. Mine are never regretted either, Amanda. Thank you!❤

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Susan resides in beautiful Big Sky Montana. An outdoorsy girl who loves to explore, she enjoys hiking and camping with her family in the gorgeous mountains of Glacier National Park! Susan is a very thoughtful and lovable Friend. Extremely compassionate, she is a very good listener and a hard worker. She loves good chocolate, reading, photography, writing, and enjoying long talks with God.

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