
ZEPHANIAH 3:17 ❤ (Verse on Bible Hub)


The woman bowed her head in disgrace.


She didn’t deserve any blessing God could give her.

She was in desperate need of a car and believed God couldn’t bless her because of a decision she made many years prior.

So she settled on going to a small car dealership that sold cars to anyone, but at a very high interest rate and often cars that wouldn’t last long.

She sighed with defeat. She felt this was her destiny, her consequence, her punishment and she was willing to accept it.

BUT GOD . . .

God had a completely different ending to that chapter in her life.

As she and her two sons took a junk car on a test drive, they happened by another car lot. One of her sons said, “Look there’s a Toyota. Should we check out that one?”

They proceeded to park the test car they were driving to test drive the Toyota. (She smiles as she thinks back on this moment.) It was the perfect car. Now, to face the car salesperson and the humiliation that comes with it. Ugh!

She was weighed down to the core.

But Jesus already had the ending all worked out, although she didn’t know it in that moment.

Not only did the sale go smoother than any ever did, but they let her drive that car right off the lot without signing any papers or leaving any money. They simply told her to be sure she went to the bank first thing Monday morning to sign the papers.

When she met with the banker, he shook his head and said, “I don’t know how she (the saleslady) does it, but she just seems to know who to let drive a car off her lot.” 

She smiled because  . . . she knew. She knew.💗

This was the beginning of Jesus revealing He is my Boaz in every area of my life and God is a forgiver of all wrongdoing and sin.

When we are sincerely sorry for something we’ve done, He doesn’t leave us in our mess.

“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive
us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness”
John 1:9 (Verse on Bible Hub)


Will we suffer consequences from bad choices we make? Yes.

Did I have the Toyota given to me free of charge? No.

Did I have to work hard to pay it off? Yes.

But, I didn’t have to live in the shame and guilt that came with the bad choice I made years prior anymore either.

And I don’t!!

Am I saying continue down the path of wrong choices because Jesus will forgive you? Please don’t. The consequences are horrible! As you already know.

What I do want to articulate to you is the truth of forgiveness, and the freedom from guilt and shame.

Galatians 5:1 is a beautiful verse.

“It is for freedom that Christ set us free. Stand firm, then, and do
not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
Galatians 5:1 (Verse on Bible Hub)

Christ has set us free! This means we are really free.

I also want people to know Jesus’ love is genuine and real. John 4:10 is a scripture that’s written on my heart.

“This is love: Not that we loved God, but He first loved us
and sent His son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.”
John 4:10 (Verse on Bible Hub)

Jesus is my Boaz, my redeemer, my provider, my healer, my husband, my everything.

Every day He redeems me and shows me all the ways He loves me.


And, no! I didn’t get to this place in my relationship with Him over night. It took quite a bit of heartache to get me to the place of fully surrendering my life to Him.

Since I’ve made that decision, I spend time with Him and in His Word every day. I’m no good to myself or anyone else without it. And He has slowly and steadily pulled me closer to Him and reveals more of Himself to me.

When I share the story of my Toyota with others, I always say it’s my love car from Jesus. I talk to Him about it even to this day. No matter what may happen, I know he loves me, he’s faithful to forgive and he doesn’t withhold his gifts from me. 

I was sad when that car breathed it’s last and had to be junked, but the story goes on and is alive and breathing in my heart.💗

If you’re living in guilt and shame for past mistakes, bad choices, sin and you’ve genuinely (we can’t trick Jesus, he knows if we’re genuine or not) asked Jesus to forgive you, then ask Him to help you accept His forgiveness; we need His help even with that.

If you're living in guilt and shame for past mistakes and bad choices, and you've genuinely asked Jesus to forgive you, then ask Him to help you accept His forgiveness; we need His help even with that. Click To Tweet

“The Lord your God is with you, the mighty warrior who saves.
He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer
rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
Zephaniah 3:17 (Verse on Bible Hub)

He rejoices over us with singing!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

With much love,


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Photo Credit: Canva

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  1. I love this story of redemption realized! And I can do identify with that sentiment of need to be in the Word everyday or be useless to others. Thanks for this beautifully encouraging post!

    1. Thank you Rachel! Redemption realized … I like that. God bless you!💗

  2. “Every day he redeems me and shows me all the way he loves me”. I can say the same. I think that sometimes we do get so caught up in the guilt and shame of the past that we fail to realize he is showing us his love on a daily basis. I am thankful that God is patient. I also agree that if we spend time with God and in his word every day, we will come to know God’s character. Our God is not a God of wrath and shaming, but a God of mercy. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story.

    1. God redeems me every day too, Miranda. I love that He is a God of mercy and not wrath and that He’s patient. I would be lost if He didn’t those characteristics. 💗

  3. Love how God shows up for us in even the smallest things. That is a great story! Thank you for sharing!

    1. I love how God shows up in the small things too.Thank you Jennifer!💗

  4. susanhomeschooling

    That’s beautiful! God has provided for me so many times. He is my Boaz, too!

    1. Thank you Susan! One thing I’m learning for the first time is that Jesus isn’t just Boaz to single women but married ones as well. I love that!💗

  5. I love this! Truly I can relate in so many ways. But one thing you said I also agree. It takes a while to surrender to God. And it’s imperative that I spend time with God and in his word. It is true, I’m no good to anyone if I don’t. Thank you for sharing your story!

    1. Thank you, Marcie! I’m so grateful for God and His Word.💗

  6. I love this reminder that Jesus is so forgiving and cares for us and always.. we just need to listen for him and know that no matter what is going on in your lives his plan for us will always make it right..

    1. So very true, Vickie! I’m thankful He has a good plan for our lives despite who we are. He is faithful and true.💗

  7. So so so good! God’s Grace is abundant and never ending and covers it all! Thank you for these beautiful words. 💛

    1. Thank you for the encouraging words, Becky! I’m so thankful for God’s grace and that you were blessed by this.💗

  8. Awww, this is amazing. I especially love that you spelled out that it wasn’t the physical gift from Jesus but the releasing of the guilt and shame attached to the situation that He was able to relieve for you. That is so beautiful. I know what you mean as well by a verse being written on your heart. There are those verses that are so unique and special to us for some reason. For me that is Jeremiah 29:11. I struggle with my failures, or what I perceive to be failures. But the Lord knows He has a plan for my life and He knows that is exactly what I need to hear. Thank you so much for sharing your story!

    1. Thank you, Rachel! I’m grateful Jesus delivers us from the strongholds of our negative emotions. Jeremiah 29:11 is one of my favorites as well and He does have a plan for your life. His word is full of so many wonderful promises. Thank you for stopping by. I’m so glad you were blessed here today.💗

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Susan resides in beautiful Big Sky Montana. An outdoorsy girl who loves to explore, she enjoys hiking and camping with her family in the gorgeous mountains of Glacier National Park! Susan is a very thoughtful and lovable Friend. Extremely compassionate, she is a very good listener and a hard worker. She loves good chocolate, reading, photography, writing, and enjoying long talks with God.

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